Let me lay some things on the line here.
I am not going to DDoS RND, I have never thought of doing so, and I never plan on doing so.
People, can't we all just be realistic?
There is a reason I never left this place. I really disliked some of the higher powers here but who gives a shit about what I think? I was in it for the community, I wanted to try and get past all of the bad things of the community, and get to know some real people.
I didn't just play gmod. Me and all the guys from teamspeak regularly played various games. That may be why I was not on the servers as much as I had been.
I would really like to thank the kind people that took up for me as they saw my true values in this community and knew.
The only hacking I've ever done in this community was speedhack with Magic. That is it. But hacking is still hacking.
Devie I never got to tell you that I was sorry and my lazy ass just never felt like adding you and then telling you, from a while back.
To all the lua projects I had started, most have been finished. Contact me anyway you may know how.
One more thing, could you at least leave this as my final statement on the forums?Well it is time for me to leave. Not because I want to, but that you want me to.
Best regards,
Krasher.P.S. I will be checking on you guys every now and again. Have fun without me.
P.S.S My stomach hurts, ate a fucking burrito with some kind of tobassco sauce from hell
You did ban me as much as possible, didn't you
