Hi guys. It's been a while, spring break has passed and summer is almost here. Well, it's been almost a month and I want to see if random's admins would accept me. I haven't been playing on Random servers lately, but I do feel it would be more fun as a regular.
Here is my fresh app,
Steam: (M of F) Spanish Anteater
Steam ID: STEAM_0:)29371210
In-Game Name: (M of F) Spanish Anteater
Time on-line: Rarely Mon-Thurs, Friday 4-10 P.M, Saturday a LOT Sunday a little less. I look on random forums a LOT during the week but not so much during the weekends.
Servers: RND ZS, TTT, and sometimes WS.
Age: 14
Birthday: May 7 (just turned 14, yay)
Games (on Steam): Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and America's Army 3
Location: LA, C.A, USA!
Why I want to be Regular: Being regular shows you like random and that you are part of the community. Being part of a community on a server is fun because all your friends are there.
Contributions: I vote and play fair, I help survivors, and I have 900-1000 karma. May not be important, but some people have 200 karma.
Friend me if you want. If you guys know me from ZS or from TTT and like/tolerate me on servers, please

Thanks, and I hope you all had a great spring break.

Happy 25th Birthday Link! Link to the Past for N63 was so much fun.