1. Player's SteamID : # 173 "Cake" STEAM_0:0:8552585 13:12 230 0 active#
2. Players Nickname (The one who is getting reported) : Cake
3. Your in-game name : This Guy
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival) : TTT
5. Description of the event(s) : First when he joined the server he RDM'ed people and also shot the traitor which didnt do anything yet (which was This Toast) Then we started to warn him that he was RDM'ing and we would report him if he did not stop, but he responded with "lol, banned from a shit server". The few remaining rounds was pure RDM and trolling until he raged after I killed him as traitor. He also RDM'ed me and toast (I was inno and toast was detective) and when we killed him he turned out as a innocent an we also lost karma.
6. Reason for ban : RDM, Insulting
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s) :

Special thanks to :This Toast = for the 2nd screenshot