So yeah, I’m writing this
xbox hueg report and stuff. Just dumping all my shit. I organized it into sections to make myself feel important.
LEDJOHNNYI don't think I've ever been happier. I'll start with the first incident:

Also, to view large images right click and view image for those who don't know.
On this occasion, it was a group of ledjohnny, CookieMonster, and Axeman glitching on de_port. This had been happening for maybe the past two maps.

He had votekicked two people as a joke. When I posted the first picture, he claimed that he and Nailcannon were votekicking each other as a joke. (,545.msg7964.html#msg7964)
the second screenshot speaks otherwise.
JACK777I really don’t know Jack777 that much, but I know this much:

That’s admitting to hacks if I ever saw it. I know he isn’t respected, but here’s his SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29723726
And if you’re feeling unsure, take a look at all the things he’s been kicked and banned for: pains me a little to do this, but it has to be done.

Map glitching on multiple occasions. Nothing too unusual. STEAM_0:1:17451833
The funny thing is, he’s only been kicked once. By me. For glitching.
MARKED ONEthere have been complaints in the past. It’s only one occasion, but it’s abuse nonetheless.

COOKIEMONSTERForgive me cookie :<

If you want the story behind this, I was pissed off at the glitching going on so I took the rifle on top of the tower and killed the first person I saw. Also, you can see that my karma is normal in the console so I hadn’t been making a habit of RDMing.

Nailcannon said I was going to get shot down, so you can uh… do that now.