Bump <- i guess this means, put on top again?. NPI = No fucking idea, in spanish.
if not CLIENT then return end
local turn = false
--I remember a func to create CreateConVar auto bool toggle, but yeh...........
local function printProp(prop)
local pEnt = prop:GetNWEntity("OwnerObj")
if IsValid(pEnt) then
print( "Player: " .. pEnt:Nick() .. " Spawned: " .. prop:GetModel())
timer.Simple(1.5, function() if IsValid(prop) then printProp(prop) end end)
concommand.Add("ShowProps", function(p,c,a)
if !turn then
hook.Add("OnEntityCreated", "SpawnCheck", printProp)
turn = not turn
print("Turned ON: Showing Names on Spawned props.")
hook.Remove("OnEntityCreated", "SpawnCheck")
turn = not turn
print("Turned OFF: Removed Hook.")
--fak toggle bigger than the script function lol.
http://filesmelt.com/dl/spawncheck.luaFixed for Shitmod13
Fixed that stupid moment when someone spawned something and instantly his brain make him press Z for weird reasons, (i tested it for hell days, if theres a problem please tell me).
Probably adding it later to server so every user can use it.
Any bug, shit, shit and more shit here please.
Console command: ShowProps