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New laptop (Maybe), need answers.

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--- Quote from: Xrain on May 07, 2011, 08:40:59 PM ---Your kidding right?

$500 for 34 hours of work?

That's $14.70 an hour, that freeking over twice minimum wage.

What the heck are you complaining about. Your realize the standard work week is 40 hours right?

I got paid $20-50 a house, but it took anywhere from 3-8 hours to do a house, and your complaining about 20 min. Get out. Now.

You realize people in Mexico work all day for around $10, then they feed their family of 7 with that. I know this because I built a house for a guy as part of missionary work who had to live like this.

--- End quote ---

Keep in mind, I'd only be able to travel about a square radius of two blocks, and that 19-out of-20 times, it will be "No thanks."

You forget, I said it takes about 20 minutes do a single yard for 5$. Over the course of 4 hours, I'd most likely only get three-four yards done.

Why even discuss this? It's not like I'm actually going to do it ._.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 07, 2011, 08:55:49 PM ---Keep in mind, I'd only be able to travel about a square radius of two blocks, and that 19-out of-20 times, it will be "No thanks."

You forget, I said it takes about 20 minutes do a single yard for 5$. Over the course of 4 hours, I'd most likely only get three-four yards done.

Why even discuss this? It's not like I'm actually going to do it ._.

--- End quote ---

You want a laptop, they aren't free or cheap. That's why we are discussing this. You said you want to get one by the end of the summer, so this is how you get one.
Go do odd jobs, and then when the end of the summer rolls by you use all the money you saved up from working and your birthday, and buy a good laptop that will
have no problem lasting you till the end of the year.

This is how things like this work.


--- Quote from: Xrain on May 07, 2011, 08:58:53 PM ---You want a laptop, they aren't free or cheap. That's why we are discussing this. You said you want to get one by the end of the summer, so this is how you get one.
Go do odd jobs, and then when the end of the summer rolls by you use all the money you saved up from working and your birthday, and buy a good laptop that will
have no problem lasting you till the end of the year.

This is how things like this work.

--- End quote ---

Don't confuse me for a spoiled kid who doesn't know jack shit.


I only asked if that Video card would last me for the next year or so. I didn't want this to turn into a stupid argument because people are reading into things too much. Relax bro :c

I would pull the "YOU DON'T KNOW ME" card, but it's pointless.

Lock topic before any other shit stirs up, I don't want to be the cause of another flame war.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 07, 2011, 09:05:37 PM ---Don't confuse me for a spoiled kid who doesn't know jack shit.


I only asked if that Video card would last me for the next year or so. I didn't want this to turn into a stupid argument because people are reading into things too much. Relax bro :c

I would pull the "YOU DON'T KNOW ME" card, but it's pointless.

Lock topic before any other shit stirs up, I don't want to be the cause of another flame war.

--- End quote ---
think about it. not everyone is a bitter asshole, and many have actual jobs. some people, if youre nice, they will also be nice, and say yes even if they dont need shit done, and they give you 20 dollars
just make yourself looks younger. wear shorts and a striped polo shirt. maybe use hearing aid

Cake Faice:
...am I the only one who would attempt to build the whole Lemonade stand scenario?


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