Sup lads,
I play alot on the rANdOm servers and seriously... you guys need more admins man.
In the last few days ive seen people hacking, and spamming the mic (in-game).
Just want to say: You guys need an admin that is active alot and keeps an eye on the server at most of the time, and personally i think this guy 'Peter Griffin' is quite good, correct me if im wrong.
Admins may not be on all the time or play as much as most of us do, But we have a decent amount of admins, If you have any issues in the server, You can always contact an admin, Via, SteamIM or you could add me in-case you need help,
Also, You can record and report for stuff like Ghosting, or Glitching, Type for example "Record Glitching" and it will record a demo in console, It doesn't take up much of your computer resources and they're not as big as you think, A 34 minute video is about 46mb, So it's all that bad,
But stuff as far as hacking, Mass RDM (Like what went on in TTT last night) Call an admin to the server Via IM.
I've been doing stuff like this and it seems to be helping out.

Omg 4 posts in a row.
Omg, And? xD
Just like me he's new to this, He doesn't have very good english and he's from another country, Relax and give the guy a chance, It doesn't hurt to point out and say "Hey, Please use the Modify button if you wish to add on to your message."
It just seems disrespectful to say "Omg 4 posts in a row.", Your stating that your offended and not stating any particular reason why to the person, But your stating your offended and leaving them in the dark not to know why, Not everybody beholds all the wisdom to the interwebz.
It's just like if You're an administrator to a sever and someone breaks the rules you don't go "HEY GTFO!"(Unless they're obviously hacking, That's completely understandable IMO) You say "Please don't (Place rule here), It's against the rules."