.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Let me explain a few things.

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Also, Here is a perfectly good example, Of a bad Idea, Expanding into a good, Possibly acceptable idea.


Since you started talking about growing ideas Ima tell you something.

Old threads are just like dead trees. They don't grow anymore no matter what.
If you're trying to water them the only thing that's going to grow are weeds.
In this case you're going to receive negative reactions.

Although if you would provide a very strong argument you could "grow" the idea.

--- Quote from: InfamousFelix on May 06, 2011, 11:04:32 PM ---Pros:
You can continue the discussion, From a point that more people can view from and they can place more input into the forum, Maybe even expand a new Idea.

--- End quote ---
Thread is (for example 5 months old), how is it a new idea?

People stopped posting in old threads for a reason.
I'm sure that admins (at least 1) have seen those threads and if they wanted that thing or idea to be implemented
they would have already done it.

--- Quote from: InfamousFelix on May 06, 2011, 11:04:32 PM ---Everybody is going to get bored of Gmod at some point, Everyone is going to get bored of all these mods at one point, But we can still keep making them, Or growing ideas of them, You can spark a new fire that can help make everything more fun, Why do you think people would want to expand into other games? Because, They get bored of Gmod they have to bounce back and forth or they want to play something new,

I'm not saying stick with Gmod, I'm saying, Expand into other communities, But keep Gmod alive, Because unlike most games out there, You can do just about anything with this game (Except alter reality so on and so forth.) You can do a lot and all I asked for you to do, Was take a few minutes of your time to read an old post that MIGHT have something going for it, If you still want to -1 me, Go ahead but know that all I was trying to do was something positive for the community.

--- End quote ---
You're talking like Gmod popularity depends only on us.
I'm sure that there will be more great game modes in the future, but in this community, there are only a few
members who know lua and other difficult things about it.

All games gets boring eventually so game companies are creating new ones or people
who are capable of make game modifications.

Now if you still think the otherwise I'm sure that there should be more threads that you
could possibly grew an idea from them.
I'm not asking you to follow any of what I have said above, I'm just asking you to read it.

Dale Feles:
Look, Felix, as many members in here stated, Bumping is frowned upon here. Me too when I was new to the forums I used to bump. But now, I stopped. Just forget about all of it. Just answer threads, don't bump anymore and we will forget about all these shenanagins.

you all realize that its not a big deal to post on an older thread

the reason you can post on them is because the conversation is always active...

the only thing is that 99% of the members on this forum have the attention span of a mentally retarded rat that has already suffered major brain damage from being thrown around

if someone wants to post on an older thread... let them and dont cry about it and -1 their posts because they have something to say to the situation

besides that i forgot how cool everyone is on the forum and how all the new people are gayfaggothumpers, cuz its all about you guys roight

You just have to learn to ignore a good amount of people in RND, Felix. It still seems to be cool to people to act like noxious and be hostile to newcomers.

And don't care about your respect, no one takes it serious.


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