.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Let me explain a few things.

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Alright, So, Yeah, I bumped some old threads, But I didn't really bump anything really stupid, The only stupid one i recall is 1, For laughs and I got 13 disrespect points and some hateful posts from it?

Why is it, By bumping some threads that could lead to a further discussion or the discussion was lost, Like a thread that has all thumbs up but yet it was still unlocked and it was still back there, Let me weigh a few pros and cons.

You can continue the discussion, From a point that more people can view from and they can place more input into the forum, Maybe even expand a new Idea.
The post could be continued and something may actually be done about the suggestion after all of the posts are +1 Maybe the idea can grow even farther.
People might notice that there's loads of posts (About 8 pages) Of unlocked, undeleted and unmoved posts.
You don't have to be the one to read through numerous pages of old posts.

You only have to spend about 5 minutes of your time looking at the post, If you don't like it place your say.
If you recognize it and still don't approve of it and already replied, You can click the URL link and click the back button.

I actually spent over two hours last night reading all of these old posts, I saw some that might have potential (and only one that was for laughs) and it's not like I went and ran up 30-40 old forum threads, These are general Ideas that can turn into something better, Something only this community would have, Like for instance, Mashing TTT and Dark RP together, Wouldn't that be interesting?

You wouldn't have to have the money system of money printers, You would actually be able to do something with other players that can get you money, You'd be able to have bounties on your head depending on how well you do, My point is, If someone opens their mouth, Maybe an Idea can grow, Or die off and be removed, Along with the 8-10 pages of OLD posts that I read through, I mean seriously, Memo even ignored the fact that one of them was old.

Let me show you a few examples of what can help.

Fading door tool, Lots of people play on Garry's mod that YES they don't know e2 and not many people can learn it and be very good at it, Fading door tool is something most servers have and ours lacks, You've gotta look at it this way, Because not many people will just give out all their codes for stuff like this, Why do you have to give someone else something you worked on because of something that is not available? That's the problem most e2 scripting people I've talked to have, They don't want to share their Ideas, They want to keep them to themselves cause THEY worked on it.

The I shot the sheriff mod, Shoot, Yet another mod that can be introduced to Garry's mod, Shoot if we had people that could create mod Ideas, Wouldn't it be great to see more people who are mature or intellectual join our community because they want to help with ideas? This is Garry's mod isn't it? A mod that was practically invented for CREATING ideas and GROWING from them.

TTT Spectating, Yeah it was a little bit old but it's still an idea to grow from, I posted on there something that could possibly bring a positive outlook on the subject, How the server could become even better and even more fun? I'm not saying that it's boring or that it sucks, I'm saying, You can make your server unique, You can make it so people will want to actually come and play and not to come and troll because of the fact that you have it and everyone else doesn't,

Everybody is going to get bored of Gmod at some point, Everyone is going to get bored of all these mods at one point, But we can still keep making them, Or growing ideas of them, You can spark a new fire that can help make everything more fun, Why do you think people would want to expand into other games? Because, They get bored of Gmod they have to bounce back and forth or they want to play something new,

I'm not saying stick with Gmod, I'm saying, Expand into other communities, But keep Gmod alive, Because unlike most games out there, You can do just about anything with this game (Except alter reality so on and so forth.) You can do a lot and all I asked for you to do, Was take a few minutes of your time to read an old post that MIGHT have something going for it, If you still want to -1 me, Go ahead but know that all I was trying to do was something positive for the community.

I must go to bed though, I spent an hour writing this and I have to be up at 9am for work, So if anyone reads this tonight, I hope you have a wonderful night.

Thank you for your time to read this post, I know it was long, If I made you angry, Or upset while reading this, I apologize, I don't mean for it to be offensive or disrespectful in any way, I'm just stating my point of view.

I think that bumping a thread with 3 thumbs up smiles can be seen in a wrong way.

you could say instead: i really like this idea, i would like to see it on the server. Sorry for the bump


i don't see anything wrong with bumping one old thread, but you have to remember that sometimes threads die for a reason.

Like the thread about making another boards, were you put that only regulars or maybe vip+ only... well there are restricted boards so that bump was for nothing.

well, that is what i think about this ._.


--- Quote from: memo3300 on May 06, 2011, 11:39:49 PM ---I think that bumping a thread with 3 thumbs up smiles can be seen in a wrong way.

you could say instead: i really like this idea, i would like to see it on the server. Sorry for the bump


i don't see anything wrong with bumping one old thread, but you have to remember that sometimes threads die for a reason.

Like the thread about making another boards, were you put that only regulars or maybe vip+ only... well there are restricted boards so that bump was for nothing.

well, that is what i think about this ._.

--- End quote ---

Well for one, I was unaware of how people reacted to bumping old threads and some may have died for a reason but the ones I looked at looked like they still had something to grow off of, Something that maybe new people can put some input on that other people didn't, As for the Unnecessary bump, It was not posted that there was a restricted part of the board, It wasn't posted anywhere at all, So I was unaware, I just felt that the post still had potential.

Side note: I can't sleep. x.x

EDIT: Also, I didn't think 3 thumbs up could be taken in a negative way, I just figured it meant something positive and I apologize, Also for the thread that I bumped that was for Lulz, I figured it might make people lulz, But nobody found it funny and I apologize for that as well.


--- Quote from: InfamousFelix on May 06, 2011, 11:45:51 PM ---Well for one, I was unaware of how people reacted to bumping old threads and some may have died for a reason but the ones I looked at looked like they still had something to grow off of, Something that maybe new people can put some input on that other people didn't, As for the Unnecessary bump, It was not posted that there was a restricted part of the board, It wasn't posted anywhere at all, So I was unaware, I just felt that the post still had potential.

Side note: I can't sleep. x.x

--- End quote ---

This is how i see it

newfag comes to the forums.

newfag after a week bumps a thread to say "lol"

newfag get their respect down to negative

newfag thinks that bumping, even when someone says something usefull, is bad. (wich obviously isn't)



Dat edit over me deserves a +1


--- Quote from: memo3300 on May 06, 2011, 11:52:49 PM ---This is how i see it

newfag comes to the forums.

newfag after a week bumps a thread to say "lol"

newfag get their respect down to negative

newfag thinks that bumping, even when someone says something usefull, is bad. (wich obviously isn't)



Dat edit over me deserves a +1

--- End quote ---

Well what I did, If you look, Is I took there bad idea and worked it into a way to make it a bit better, Resulting in the growth I talked about, People can look at this and go.. Hey.. That's not a bad idea and they can post their positive input and branch off another idea, and it can continue and become USEFUL,

Taking something negative and throwing it down the drain because it's bad, Is good, But throwing something down the drain that is bad but might have potential, Is a waste, However, I have been here for a few weeks and yes I'm new but that might mean maybe instead of insulting the person, You EDIT:(Not you in specific but in general.) can give them a heads up and let them know that nobody likes it and allow the person to at least explain (If they would like to).

As for the Lulz post, It was just to add some comedy to the whole, Wow, Is this guy for real? Type of thing, If you look there's plenty of threads like this, But like I said, It's not like I asked everyone here to spend a lot of time to read something that is incredibly boring and useless, With the lulz post it was just a kind of way to lighten things, But yet again, Nobody found it funny and I apologize for that.


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