Author Topic: Let me explain a few things.  (Read 568 times)

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2011, 01:48:14 PM »
hey look a cree-

and don yes any newcommer, comer or whatever can do so ;o

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2011, 01:50:53 PM »
hey look a cree-

and don yes any newcommer, comer or whatever can do so ;o
Not according to 60% of members in rNd.

Also no offence intended, you were just a good example to use there.

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2011, 02:38:56 PM »
And if somebody gives you crap for "bumping" a thread or two not even halfway down the first page of a forum's list of topics, happened to me before, fuck 'em.

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I bumped a forum that had been created within the first 3 months in the old forum. Guess what: nothing. Because there weren't so shit people back then.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 03:28:02 PM by Frank »

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2011, 02:56:14 PM »

*holding back the temptation to be the technical equivalent of a grammar nazi*
lim ( Δ :trollface: -> 0 ) (:trollface: + Δ :trollface:)² + :trollface: = :trollface:

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2011, 03:28:36 PM »
*holding back the temptation to be the technical equivalent of a grammar nazi*

Offline InfamousFelix

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2011, 03:46:48 PM »
Since you started talking about growing ideas Ima tell you something.

Old threads are just like dead trees. They don't grow anymore no matter what.
If you're trying to water them the only thing that's going to grow are weeds.
In this case you're going to receive negative reactions.

Although if you would provide a very strong argument you could "grow" the idea.
Thread is (for example 5 months old), how is it a new idea?

People stopped posting in old threads for a reason.
I'm sure that admins (at least 1) have seen those threads and if they wanted that thing or idea to be implemented
they would have already done it.

You're talking like Gmod popularity depends only on us.
I'm sure that there will be more great game modes in the future, but in this community, there are only a few
members who know lua and other difficult things about it.

All games gets boring eventually so game companies are creating new ones or people
who are capable of make game modifications.

Now if you still think the otherwise I'm sure that there should be more threads that you
could possibly grew an idea from them.
I'm not asking you to follow any of what I have said above, I'm just asking you to read it.

Alright, In some cases that could be right, But let me throw this out in the open,

If the inventor of the light bulb (Humphry Davy) Were to build half of it and leave it in the dark, and someone else comes a long and says.. Hey... This is neat... They look at it and they find ANOTHER idea, That turns into the full creation of the light bulb, If something like that was to happen and the person that saw it was like... Oh.. this is a piece of junk.. and throw it away.. Would we have light in our houses in that future? NO.

This is what I'm talking about, You branch Ideas, Ideas grow, If you would've read the thread I posted it's a perfect example of how a "Weed" you spoke of, Could turn into something fun and exciting to people, A weed into a rose, A  unused piece of wood into a shed, A stick in the forest into shelter, Water to boil food, Charcoal to cook our food, If people were to look at all that and go.. Well... There's not a damn thing I can do with that... Where would we be now?

I'm not saying Gmod's popularity depends on us, I'm saying, That if we wanted to, We could attract more builders, More people, With more Ideas, People who WOULDN'T troll, WOULDN'T Disrespect people, Because it would be a respected community, To other people this community is probably just in their head like every other community, This community has potential, To be a big community that people would enjoy to be in.

I'm not saying that this is a bad community, Or that we need to change, I'm just saying, There's room for improvement that could even help people in ways that would allow them to expand and create their ideas and grow off others ideas,

You have no idea how much, One thing can effect so many others, What if this turned out to be the biggest community on Gmod, and people were to actually move into developing video games and hardware, Or a scientist with an idea for solving cancer (Yeah, It could be possible) The fact is, You never know what you can do until you try, and you never know how great something can be until it grows/expands.

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2011, 03:50:13 PM »
Not to digress, but, wasn't the inventor of the light bulb Thomas Edison?

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2011, 03:59:51 PM »
Well, Moo, Shawn, and Don have it right. There should be nothing wrong with bumping some threads. Especially when it isn't for a post count. Which it seems to me that it wasn't since it was not the spammy amount you would see from a post whore.

@Shawn and Don, I find it sad that we actually have to tell people to ignore 98% of the members here becus they can be douches...... Something nid be fixed in my opinion. I don't like being noxious! :(

Exactly, I didn't do it with wrong intentions, I did it cause as I said, I saw some potential and the thread wasn't closed, and as someone else said, It's sad that you actually have to say that we have to ignore 98% of RND members, It shouldn't be that way,

I don't mean any disrespect in any means of what I say, But it couldn't help to point out that I felt that I was disrespected by being -1 for the posts, Without them even thinking for a moment about the idea, I spent my time, to read all those ideas and I didn't choose many, and I posted what I thought and my idea, and only one Lulz post cause that weapon was absolutely ridiculous.

(Which I got the most disrespect for but I thought it would make people laugh but I was wrong so I feel I deserve that one and yet again I apologize.)

But In that moment I felt I had lost some respect for the community and from it for that, If everybody that's new to forums or games that comes in and does the same as I because they saw how I saw it, And that were to happen? How would they re-act? They would probably leave the community, They would turn away from it,

But I choose to speak against it because I feel that for one I didn't do anything wrong (Besides the lulz post) and two I felt that it needed to be pointed out why I chose to do it, and that they should be a little more mature about things and think before they act, I'm not talking down to them or trying to be disrespectful, I just want to push this into a more positive way, In doing something about it rather then letting it continue to grow.

Yet again, I'm sorry if anyone feels any disrespect from this post, I don't intend to be disrespectful in any way.

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2011, 04:02:16 PM »
Not to digress, but, wasn't the inventor of the light bulb Thomas Edison?

Actually the inventor was Humphry Davy, He invented the first light bulb it in the early 1800s, Thomas Edison (Which even points even more to my point) Came along and IMPROVED THE IDEA.

EDIT: But as I was saying, Just because the first idea is bad, doesn't mean that right off the bat everything should be discarded or thrown away, Just due to it having some imperfections, Isn't that even why there is a forum? To discuss the suggestions, Talk about them? When you talk about things, You find improvement, You find change and you find a weed being turned into a rose.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 04:06:38 PM by InfamousFelix »

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2011, 04:25:30 PM »
You have no idea how much, One thing can effect so many others
Oh I do, trust me.

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2011, 08:10:49 PM »
And if somebody gives you crap for "bumping" a thread or two not even halfway down the first page of a forum's list of topics, happened to me before, fuck 'em.

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:( I was just stating that you bumped it. I wasn't being all butthurt about it and I answered your question.

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2011, 06:10:51 PM »
Exactly, I didn't do it with wrong intentions, I did it cause as I said, I saw some potential and the thread wasn't closed, and as someone else said, It's sad that you actually have to say that we have to ignore 98% of RND members, It shouldn't be that way...

>is not part of the 98%
> +/- ignore for other reasons, however... depends on the person you are  :o

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2011, 06:15:49 PM »
>is not part of the 98%
> +/- ignore for other reasons, however... depends on the person you are  :o


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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2011, 08:31:27 PM »
>is not part of the 98%
> +/- ignore for other reasons, however... depends on the person you are  :o

I've never seen you before. =o

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Re: Let me explain a few things.
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2011, 08:51:54 PM »

its called glow

Code: [Select]
[glow=(insertcolour),(insertnumber for the brightnesss of the colour)]text[/glow]