.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Let me explain a few things.

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Moo is right and we all know it


--- Quote from: Goat on May 07, 2011, 10:56:13 AM ---Moo is right and we all know it

--- End quote ---

>You say moo is right.

>moo said bumping threads isn't bad

>you -1 people for bumping threads with good new ideas.

yeah, no.

Actually, if a thread has never been closed, there IS a reason why it hasn't been closed. Even if it's >9000 years old. And if you hate him because he posts off topic shit, you should do so to anyone else.


--- Quote from: Frank on May 07, 2011, 11:57:53 AM ---Actually, if a thread has never been closed, there IS a reason why it hasn't been closed. Even if it's >9000 years old. And if you hate him because he posts off topic shit, you should do so to anyone else.

--- End quote ---
If Magic can post "LOL" and "XD" in every single topic, then every single newcomer should be allowed to do so.

And if somebody gives you crap for "bumping" a thread or two not even halfway down the first page of a forum's list of topics, happened to me before, fuck 'em.

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