Some of my In-Game names: ]youaintgotnopancakemix,pancake,panCake as of now
My Steam ID:]STEAM_0:1:36903920
Times that I am online sometimes from 4:30pm to 10:00 PM on Monday to Friday (UTC-5:00) EST]Servers: (Rated in %)]Flood 55%
Plain build 20%
Wire build 25%
My age:] 13 soon to be 14 on 10-7-11
My birthday: Seventh of October
Games that I have on steam: ]Garry's mod and others that I have set to private
My location: United States of America /New York
Why I want to be a regular reasons why I should be one: I am friendly with new people if they become problem then I ask for the right person to help.
I try my best to help the newcomers learn the game mode that they are on.
I am friends with Goat who has helped me a lot and learn about rANdOm.
I have been playing on random servers for some time I would say its almost 6 months since I first played on the rANdOm servers.
I do not get mad when people kill me in wire build I let them do it.
Contributions to RND: Well I haven't contributed much to RND other than help the newcomers learn more about flood
that's about it
If you wish to contact me or "friend me on steam" here is my steam nickname
here is a link you can use you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this post.
Sidenote- I like


sometimes when I am in the mood I like to eat

off of

ies ass.