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This Guy's ZS Hints : ZS_Aeolus

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This Guy:
*Aeolus is a good map for humans except and it easily lets afker's or late loaders to join the zombie team (which kind of unfair).

*First if you load the map before the train starts the ride you should just go in there and STAY IN YOUR SEAT UNTIL YOUR AT THE DESTINATION

*If your PC or internet speed is crappy I suggest to disconnect and join in 3 minutes so that you won't get killed by the train.

*From wave 1-6 try to get a cade kit before its wave 7.

*If you have a cade kit go to the upper part of the map (where the secret hole is) and before the chems come you should go inside the room and cade there with loads of cades and if possible try to get only the "good" players who doesn't minge and shoot chems zombies to explode the cade. Its also better if your alone just try not to gain attention. (the secret hole is where sometimes the health station spawns at the left side of the bridge when you go up)

*If you don't have a cade kit just camp at the lower part where its an open space and easily get kills and if you get a cade kit follow the hint above this. Just try to be sure there are no kamikaze chems on your way there.

*If the cade at the door is broken you should make a small ladder cade at the other side of the room (can only be seen on the south room) or you could even make this while the other guys are killing zombies at the cade (This will serve as a extra survival measurement in-case your main cade is broken.

*From there on you can survive easily just try not to lower your gaurd

[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
Where exactly is the "secret hole"?
Anyway, nice hints.  :thumbsup:

Going behind the glass with a cade kit was just awesome... how sad it is glitching :-(

also if you want to make hints for more  maps you should just make one big guide

This Guy:

--- Quote from: memo3300 on May 07, 2011, 09:32:40 AM ---Going behind the glass with a cade kit was just awesome... how sad it is glitching :-(

also if you want to make hints for more  maps you should just make one big guide

--- End quote ---

Do you think I have good tips and I should make more??? :D


--- Quote from: This Guy on May 07, 2011, 11:31:25 PM ---Do you think I have good tips and I should make more??? :D

--- End quote ---

good tips but forgo to tell us about the heal machines in the map.


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