Author Topic: Application: Bipolardiz  (Read 452 times)

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Application: Bipolardiz
« on: December 23, 2010, 07:47:34 PM »
Bipolardiz's Admin Application

In-game name: BipolarDiZ
Steam Name: bipolardiz
Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:37546403

(This will be changing soon, seeing as I am moving to a legit situation. I will update when this happens. Thanks Tomcat!  :o)
Joined rNd: A little over a year ago….. Not sure about the dates but I know I was here in August 2009
Servers I play on: Trouble in Terrorist Town, Fretta, Flood, and Zombie Survival
How to contact me: I am usually on my computer or at school on that computer so I have good avalibility. PM on forums, join TS3, or just find me in game.

Who I am:
   I am David and I am almost 18. I live in Las Vegas Nevada and I hate it here. It’s too hot and the people are to fake, even though you can find that anywhere. I am in no way new to gaming, been playing my whole life. I originally started just playing flood back when sanders first showed me how to use steam and stuff. I am definatelynot shy and I really like helping people. Truthfully, I am bipolar, but I find that people except that and get over when it happens.
   A lot of people know me and trust me. A decent amount of players have seen me throughout my time here in random and I feel I am mostly liked, except for those players who are mingy.

Reasons I want Admin:
1.   I truthfully want the job and after hearing it detailed and explained so vividly by Coolz I couldn’t help but think, “Sign me up.” I like Coolz’ ideology and his stance on usage of admin tools and powers. It completely makes sense the way he treats the admin system. I want to be involved and help out in anyway. :)
2.   The quick acting and fast hand of an admin is necessary in a lot of situations. Yes, there is always the option to call an admin for help, but that action still takes time. I would like to be able to help with such actions. I want to help with this action.
3.   To help the community. With the abilities I would help keep everything running smooth so that everyone can have a great time. It is part of the admin’s job to make it fun. So I would definitely do my best.
4.   Lastly, I would like to help with the moderators of the forums and help with the entirety of the regular and vip apps.

Admin Qualifications:

     I have been admin on some small servers that weren’t all that amazing but I was able to get familiarized with the tools and the abilities. The server’s were several RP servers and a wire build.
   On a more personal level, I am level headed, more than willing to help players, have the ability to cognitively decide what is generally right and wrong, and I weigh all options before taking any set path. All of these qualities help make a responsible and good admin. I would like to say that I am mature and have been for a long time. I am an adult and I realize the way of things. I will only do things in the best interest of the people and our great staff of admins.

What I would do as admin to hackers, minges, and glitchers:

1.   Watch and Listen to all arguments, no matter who they come from or when they come.
2.   Weigh all pro’s and con’s, to decide what punishment is correct.
3.   Do what is necessary for the situation.
No situation is the same and it shouldn’t be treated like it is the same. That’s why it is good for admins, they have the ability to do what is needed without such restrictions as a vote and without the limitation of no tools.

Thank you for reading. Any suggestions or needed information don't hesitate to ask.
 :thumbsup: if you think I will do well and  :thumbsdown: if I will not do well.

I think hes a pretty good guy :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 05:30:18 PM by jimonions »

(JBanned) .:RND`=- DJ myppl8: if i eva become supa admin id ban moo and make hima guest

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Re: Application: Bipolardiz
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2010, 08:22:22 PM »

Definitely a thumbs up from me. Only been back on the servers for a week or so and finally posted on the forums but I've been playing with Bipolar on TTT for much of this short time and vaguely recall running into him a few times when I'd come on every few months for a day or two. In addition he more than once beat me to the punch in fixing a problem effectively just as a VIP. TTT server could definitely benefit from having Bipolar as an admin.

I have spoken
SabbathFreak: Ya more caps = bigger penis = admin.
1:10 AM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: ya
1:10 AM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: shit might get kinky
1:11 AM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: watch your ass
1:11 AM - .:~RND`=- Orgazmo: plugged and lubed

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Re: Application: Bipolardiz
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2010, 03:23:19 AM »
yeshhh :thumbsup:

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Re: Application: Bipolardiz
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 09:53:24 AM »

Mature ... I think lol jk

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Re: Application: Bipolardiz
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2011, 06:14:55 PM »