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Learning new language, which should I choose?

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--- Quote from: Wheatley on May 04, 2011, 11:51:28 PM ---I'm telling you, learn Chinese.

China has the fastest growing economy in the world. It is predicted that by 2030 (Which is when we are all old enough to run our own businesses) China will be as developed as the USA. My dad has become a millionaire by working here.

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this. Its what i'd learn if i could. but i failed spanish, which is easy as hell. so... yeah


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 04, 2011, 09:46:30 PM ---I think you guys are missing the point.

I don't want to learn a new language for the hell of it,
I want to be able to understand other cultures.

Think about everything in our media we have in English,
Movies, games, stories, music,

There's nearly and equally large amount of that, which resides in the countries native language, and would be amazing to experience it first hand.

Not for all these crazy theories you're all coming up with.

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All the people telling you to learn chinese can suck a big one. Spend a semester learning chinese and you will barely be able to introduce yourself (I know, i took it). Spend a semester learning Japanese and you would be able to survive in Japan (I also know cause I took it).

Japan is also the fucking land of technology and shit. It has a unique culture teeming with fun tiems. Plus, unlike spanish or french, you could whip out some ”てめ、死ね!” on their little bitch selves and they wouldn't know what hit em. Plus there is the whole anime thing, ya know.

Please do not seriously consider mandarin unless you can buckle down for 2-3 years to actually learn it. You got no help with that either. If you go down the Japanese path, I can help you through the beginning hurdles.

Oh one last thing. Japanese grammar is a piece of cake. No future tense, no subject verb agreement, no shit at all. The grammar is easy as dicks. You just have to learn two alphabets and the kanji. Psh that's easy though.


--- Quote from: Sanders on May 05, 2011, 01:23:50 AM ---All the people telling you to learn chinese can suck a big one. Spend a semester learning chinese and you will barely be able to introduce yourself (I know, i took it). Spend a semester learning Japanese and you would be able to survive in Japan (I also know cause I took it).

Japan is also the fucking land of technology and shit. It has a unique culture teeming with fun tiems. Plus, unlike spanish or french, you could whip out some ”てめ、死ね!” on their little bitch selves and they wouldn't know what hit em. Plus there is the whole anime thing, ya know.

Please do not seriously consider mandarin unless you can buckle down for 2-3 years to actually learn it. You got no help with that either. If you go down the Japanese path, I can help you through the beginning hurdles.

Oh one last thing. Japanese grammar is a piece of cake. No future tense, no subject verb agreement, no shit at all. The grammar is easy as dicks. You just have to learn two alphabets and the kanji. Psh that's easy though.

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well, while you're showing the chinese operatives your anime collection, I will be begging for them not to kill my family in a language they understand.

PS: :trollface:

I'd still go with french. "The language of Love"

Would you rather be able to talk to random Chinese people, or sound suave to a lady-friend your trying to impress.

Besides French Cuisine is the bomb. Crepes anyone?


--- Quote from: Deacon on May 05, 2011, 01:28:57 AM ---well, while you're showing the chinese operatives your anime collection, I will be begging for them not to kill my family in a language they understand.

PS: :trollface:

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Have you even looked at Mandarin? Did you know you can say a complete sentence using the word "ma" five times in different accents. 媽罵瑪馬嗎

Means "did mother scold the horse?" Put it in google translate and you get "Ma ma ma ma ma". Thats the shit you have to put up with in mandarin. Japanese? Shit I just read the yomo introduction in the languages section and im still in first semester Japanese.

If those chinese invade your abode, just tell them wo shi chung guo ren. Everything be alright then.


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