.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

How your days are?

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6am - try to wake up, curse the world, curse my alarm clock, get ready (make up hair etc)
715am - try to wake up proudly..
7:30am - proudly gets up and gets ready (showers and clothes.. fucking guys get ready fast..)
7:45am - drive need4speedstyle to school so we can make it before 8:00am, a 30 minute drive cut short to 15min.
8am-11am - SCHOOL.
11:15am - eat
11:30am - we go back home to sleep til 4:30pm (we do other stuff in this time slot too like watch movies, and play)
4:30-2am - ONLINE.

we nerds.


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on May 05, 2011, 07:11:25 PM ---6am - try to wake up, curse the world, curse my alarm clock, get ready (make up hair etc)
715am - try to wake up proudly..
7:30am - proudly gets up and gets ready (showers and clothes.. fucking guys get ready fast..)
7:45am - drive need4speedstyle to school so we can make it before 8:00am, a 30 minute drive cut short to 15min.
8am-11am - SCHOOL.
11:15am - eat
11:30am - we go back home to sleep til 4:30pm (we do other stuff in this time slot too like watch movies, and play)
4:30-2am - ONLINE.

we nerds.

--- End quote ---

how do all that in morning???????? >:c


--- Quote from: Muslim Sociocommunist on May 05, 2011, 07:19:31 PM ---how do all that in morning???????? >:c

--- End quote ---

we only haz two classes a day cuz college is kewl


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on May 05, 2011, 07:33:19 PM ---we only haz two classes a day cuz college is kewl

--- End quote ---

i mean everything is in Ante-Meridian time.


--- Quote from: Muslim Sociocommunist on May 05, 2011, 07:48:01 PM ---i mean everything is in Ante-Meridian time.

--- End quote ---

nuuuuuu we sleep at 11:30 then wake up at 4:30pm etc.

Then 4pm to 2am we're online XD


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