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How your days are?

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Well, heres a timeline of how my days go.
The times are in CST

5:00am Wake up take a shower and go run.
6:00am Get home from running play gmod until leaving for the bus.
7:00am Go to bus and get to school
7:15am Get to school and play football in gym.
7:36am Dismissed to our classes
7:52am Arrive in my CA-WW class
8:31am Be bored as hell until 9:16am
9:16am Go to Social Studies, listen to lecture about our futer from old teacher, do book work
10:01am Get to my Adv Spanish class Repeat some words and get on computers
10:49am Arrive in my study hall class, read book til 11:34am
11:34am Get my Adv Math class study for end of year exams, get homework right when leaving class
12:22pm Lunch time eat food (salad) and then leave
12:55pm Get to my Advisment class for 25mins bored as hell until 1:12pm
1:15pm Get to my Science class, learn about rocks and shiz
2:00pm Get to my last hour class, Health. Learn about the effects of herpes on well, no more detail from there.
2:45pm Get on bus and leave this shithole
3:13pm Play gmod until mom come picks me up
5:00pm At moms hjouse get on labtop to do essay on what I want to be when I grow up
7:30pm Eat supper go take shower then watch TV for 2 hours
9:30pm Brush teeth and sleep.

Theres a day in the life of Goat. Im going to get my Flip Camera out and film this. Make a broadway musical probably. lol

5:50 am - Wake up to go to school
6:25 am - Get on bus.
7:40 am - Arrive at school.
8:10 am - School starts
9:45 am - Break
12:45 pm - Lunch
2:55 pm - School Ends
3:10 pm - Bus leaves
4:20 pm - Get back home
6:00 pm - Drink protein drink for dinner
7:00 pm - Shower
9:10 pm - Sleep


11:30  - Fap
12:00  - Fap
12:30  - Fap
13:00  - Fap
13:30  - Fap
14:40  - Fap
15:00 - 23:30 - Fap
02:00 - Sleep


07:45 - Wake up, shower, fap, prepare to go
08:00 - Start walking to College
08:55 - College starts
11:00 - Lunch Break until 12
16:45 - College ends, walk home or talk with some people before leaving
~17:30 - Arrive home, get eaten by dogs
18:15 - Eat dinner
18:30 - Do nothing
Around 11:30 - Go to bed, fap


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on May 04, 2011, 06:15:29 AM ---Monday/Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday

11:30  - Fap
12:00  - Fap
12:30  - Fap
13:00  - Fap
13:30  - Fap
14:40  - Fap
15:00 - 23:30 - Fap
02:00 - Sleep


07:45 - Wake up, shower, fap, prepare to go
08:00 - Start walking to College
08:55 - College starts
11:00 - Lunch Break until 12
16:45 - College ends, walk home or talk with some people before leaving
~17:30 - Arrive home, get eaten by dogs
18:15 - Eat dinner
18:30 - Do nothing
Around 11:30 - Go to bed, fap

--- End quote ---

On weekdays, (all in EST)

6:20 - Wake up, bathroom stuff, eat breakfest
7:00 - Head to bus stop
7:40 - School starts
11:00 - Lunch time
11:30 - SSR
12:45 - Get on computer for "Computer Apps" class but instead I go on the forums.
2:15 - School ends, take bus home
2:40 - Get home, play some minecraft, do HW
8:00 - Eat dinner
11:00 - Sleep

9: wake up grab coffee
930-4: business
4-6(sometimes 7) workout
6/7-1am: business
1am-3am: watch tv
3am -4am try to sleep
4-9am sleep (if I'm lucky)


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