.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

How your days are?

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Roughly speaking... (WARNING TL;DR for those who use that excuse every time :u)

If "Today was a Good day"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)EST
6:00am Wake up, feeling awesome.
6:15am Finish Daily Hygiene, go eat some Cereal and watch a channel with old cartoons on it.
6:40am Get Dressed cause I GOT TIME :)
7:33am Bus stop.
7:34-7:58am Sleep again, this time in the upright position.
7:58:36am Wake up. Get off bus.
8:01-8:03am Go to my locker and say hi to some Girls in the Hallway who know me :I
8:04am Bitch about gym, put on gym shoes, go to outside 1st period class
8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am -Music plays over PA, still sleep, but only until bell rings for 1st class


8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am Bell rings, go to changeroom, change, avoid awkward situation, unwillingly hug another dude (I don't judge, bro...superawkward tho.)


8:24 O CANADA...
8:25am-11:00am Do Gym or Business & Tech (or Vice-versa). Avoid any other problems. 'God loves you' brand of epic time-wasting fun :)
11:00am-11:55am I feel like eating my lunch, then falling asleep under the stairway. Yes.
12:00pm-2:30pm Math is...actually really, really fun or off topic (Yay). LA is okay (again they can go in reverse order depending on schedule day#)
2:42pm Get own seat on bus. Sleep.
3:15pm Get off bus, walk 5 blocks and cross a 4-lane highway main ramp that runs into a regular street. Supah scareh when it rains.
3:22pm Get home, drop heavy bag, sigh of relief, yay.
3:30pm Eat dinner/whatever
Depeinding when I feel like finishing/is able to finish dinner to 12:23am DO WHAT I FEEL
12:47-2:00am Try to fall asleep unless weekend, otherwise
4:00am Pass out if weekend. Wake up at 2:00pm

So yeah, that's a good day

Okay day

Spoiler (click to show/hide)7:00am Oh I still have some time.
7:33am Bus stop.
7:34-7:58am Sleep again, this time in the upright position.
7:58:36am Wake up. Get off bus.
8:01-8:03am Go to my locker and say hi to some Girls in the Hallway who know me :I
8:04am Bitch about gym, put on gym shoes, go to outside 1st period class
8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am -Music plays over PA, still sleep, but only until bell rings for 1st class


8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am Bell rings, go to changeroom, change, sleep hangover, just say "Hey yeah cool" to the dude (I don't judge, bro...)


8:24 O CANADA... why is this taking so long?
8:25am-11:00am Do Gym or Business & Tech (or Vice-versa). Avoid most problems. Good enough :)
11:00am-11:55am I feel like eating my lunch, then falling asleep under the stairway. But it's really noisy. Stupid kids eating in stairways where I sleep cause it's usually quiet. I could sleep in the Cafeteria, the noise is so generic it's unnoticeable...
12:00pm-2:30pm Math is...okay, I'm still learning something. LA is 'okay' (again they can go in reverse order depending on schedule day#)
2:37pm GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO CMON BELL RRIIIINNNGG...riiiiing... fuck you clock.
2:42pm Get own seat on bus. Sleep Random person sits next to you, lucky if Girl.
3:15pm Get off bus, walk 5 blocks and cross a 4-lane highway main ramp that runs into a regular street. Supah scareh because it rained a few days ago and it's still wet cause there hasn't been any sun recently.
3:22pm Get home, drop heavy bag, meh.
3:30pm Eat dinner/whatever
4:50pm to 11:42am DO WHAT I FEEL when it's working.
11:47-2:00am Focus on falling asleep unless weekend, otherwise
2:30am Pass out if weekend. Wake up at 11:00am
Bad day

Spoiler (click to show/hide)7:17am OH SHIT.
7:33am Bus stop.
7:34-7:58am Sleep again, this time in the upright position. Do not get own seat most of the time, sit in aisle and keep having people bump into your shit.
7:58:36am Wake up (fuuuuuck  >:(). Get off bus.
8:01-8:03am Go to my locker, empty hallway sometimes.
8:04am Bitch about gym, put on gym shoes, go to outside 1st period class
8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am -Music plays over PA, still sleep, but only a few minutes until bell rings realize wrong class, haul ass.


8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am Bell rings, go to changeroom, change, sleep hangover >:(,  Nod without a smile to the dude (I don't judge, bro...)


8:24 O CANADA... why is this taking so long?
8:25am-11:00am Do Gym or Business & Tech (or Vice-versa). Avoid few problems. I don't want to play soccer/do this boring shit I already know how to do  :-[
11:00am-11:55am I feel like eating my lunch, but I'm really not in the mood.Going asleep under the stairway, nope. Someone's already there,

talking on phone. I could sleep in the Cafeteria, the noise is so generic it's unnoticeable...

Have someone put something in my Hood (a few times I got money in it)

12:00pm-2:30pm Math is...fine. Not in the greatest mood but I'm still learning something. LA is boring as hell and no one in the group wants to do work, fuckshit. (again they can go in reverse order depending on schedule day#)

2:37pm GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO CMON BELL RRIIIINNNGG... oh I'll just sit down agai-

2:42pm Get own seat on bus. Sleep. Random person sits next to you, guy. Sat next to you this morning if you got your own seat, leg is uncomfortably close to own. Inhale Citrus. "Are you eating an Orange? Seriously? Now?"

3:15pm Get off bus, walk 5 blocks and cross a 4-lane highway main ramp that runs into a regular street. Pass Crazy lady. Crossing sign JUST tells you not to cross when wanting to cross. It's probably raining a little.

3:27pm Get home, drop heavy bag, fuck.

3:30pm Eat dinner/whatever
5:30pm to 11:00am DO WHAT I FEEL- shit's not working.
11:47-2:00am Struggle to fall asleep unless weekend, otherwise
1:00am Get bored. Wake up at 2:13pm

Worst day ever

Spoiler (click to show/hide)7:24am FORTHELOVEOFGOD.
7:33am Bus stop.
7:34-7:58am Sleep again, this time in the upright position. Do not get own seat, sit in aisle and keep having people bump into your shit. Loud little kids in front.
7:58:36am Wake up (fuuuuuckthis  >:(). Get off bus, nothappyfaic.
8:01-8:03am Go to my locker, crowded hallway, slow assness.
8:04am Bitch about gym, put on gym shoes, go to outside 1st period class
8:07am Try to Sleep until-
8:15am -Music plays over PA, still attempt sleep, but only a few minutes until bell rings realize wrong class, haul ass in 1min.


8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am Bell rings, go to changeroom, change, sleep hangover >:(,  Just acknowledge dude (I don't judge, bro...), dude makes small talk with me longer than usual. Normal stuff, just uncanny however.


8:24 O CANADA... why is this taking so long??!  ???

if in gym

9:15am Dude opts to be my partner for fitness (Keeping track of laps n' shit), makes unnecessary compliments that could have been considered to boost morale, then tried to kiss me during the fitness test in front of everybody.
Aaaaaand stop  :'(

8:25am-11:00am Do Gym or Business & Tech (or Vice-versa). Avoid no problems. FML
11:00am-11:55am I feel like eating my lunch; not in the mood. Going asleep in the Cafeteria, noise noticeable...
Have someone put something in my Hood (is not money)
12:00pm-2:30pm Math is... I'm still learning something, I hope. LA is boring as hell and no one in the group wants to do work, FUUUUCK LOW MARK CAUSE LAZY ASS GROUP. (again they can go in reverse order depending on schedule day#)
2:37pm No.
2:42pm Get own seat on bus. Sleep. Dude purposely or due to no more room sits next to me. Long ride.
Also Grade 11s and 12s are smoking some super-strong weed, I/we/everyone can smell it throughout the bus.
3:15pm Get off bus, walk 5 blocks and cross a 4-lane highway main ramp that runs into a regular street. Pass Crazy lady, talking to herself. Crossing sign JUST tells me not to cross when wanting to cross. TOO MANY CARS FUCK ME WHEN CAN I WALK? It's really raining hard.
3:27pm Get home, drop heavy bag.
3:30pm Whatever
6:00pm to 11:00am  :gtfo:
11:47-2:00am Struggle to fall asleep due to constant IM from Dude, which will continue for the month, otherwise
5:00am Get bored. Wake up at 3:45pm

My worst day ever (Really Happened):

6:10 am - wake up
6:24 am - Run for the bus (Bus leaves at 6:25)
6:31 am - Catch up to the bus that has already left
7:50 am - Arrive at school
On bus - Realize I forgot my lunch card and homework
At school - Realize I have a math and physics test today
At math - Fail math test
At Physics - Fail Physics test
At lunch - Beg people for lunch money, to no avail, and have food thrown at me.
After lunch - Starving
At US History - Not turn in my homework.
Return home - Parents find out about failed tests and missing homework
After being yelled at - my ass is beat
9:00 pm - Sleep

7 A.M. : Waking up in the morning gotta get fresh and eat cereal.
7:15 A.M. : Have to get down to the bus stop and gotta catch my bus.
7:30 A.M. : I see my friends and they offer me a seat in the front or the back. Took a while to make up my mind but I chose the back.
8:10 A.M. : Cruizing down the highway waving my hand up and down like a dolphin.

8:00 P.M. : Partying and partying while having fun.


--- Quote from: Cable, DoeniDon, Peetah, Frank, Alphaggot on May 04, 2011, 05:04:51 PM ---7 A.M. : Waking up in the morning gotta get fresh and eat cereal.
7:15 A.M. : Have to get down to the bus stop and gotta catch my bus.
7:30 A.M. : I see my friends and they offer me a seat in the front or the back. Took a while to make up my mind but I chose the back.
8:10 A.M. : Cruizing down the highway waving my hand up and down like a dolphin.

8:00 P.M. : Partying and partying while having fun.

--- End quote ---
er' wednesday all wednesday

Cake Faice:
Even period days

5:30 AM: Attempt to find enough energy to get out of bed
6:25 AM: After getting dressed/showered, head down to bus stop
6:45 AM: After a long bus ride with annoying black wimmin screaming and saying the word bitch every sentence, I arrive at school
7:00 AM: Boring as shit class begins (Required computer apps course)
8:00 AM: After almost committing suicide from extreme lack of entertainment, the worse class...P.E. begins
9:55 AM: After being harassed by black kids and having a faggot coach yell at you to do 35 push-ups and sit-ups with a big gulp in his hands, P.E. is now over
10:30 AM: After having the same pizza every single day for lunch and having some fat security guard...guarding the bathrooms (she yells at everyone to converse outside) and telling us to pick up our trash...which me and my friends have been doing for the past fucking school year, Enrigsh begins.
11:45 AM: After having to do boring as hell reading crap, having to listen to 20 minute 4 paragraph essay because this one kid cannot speak without staggering on every other word, the class where I actually have to pay attention to begins
1:25 PM: After getting dealing with the teacher yelling at the same kids every day to stfu and move seats and almost falling asleep...I gtfo of school.
2:00 PM: After riding on the bus with even more obnoxious black people with the worlds most delightful conversations and getting home, Vidya games
5:00 PM: Attempt to do homework, usually put it off until 6:30
9:00 PM: HAHAHAHAHAWHATAFAG, HE HAS BEDDY BYE TIME AT 9no. I actually choose to goto bed at 9 so I can stay awake a bit longer in class.


Odd period days

Same as even days, but my first 2 periods are Science, where the teacher yells at the same low-level of maturity black kids to stfu and stop texting during notes. Then guitar class is next, where I get bored attempting to play required songs on untuned as fuck classical guitars...which really limits myself here.

and den repeat


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