7:33am Bus stop.
7:34-7:58am Sleep again, this time in the upright position. Do not get own seat, sit in aisle and keep having people bump into your shit. Loud little kids in front.
7:58:36am Wake up (fuuuuuckthis
). Get off bus, nothappyfaic.
8:01-8:03am Go to my locker, crowded hallway, slow assness.
8:04am Bitch about gym, put on gym shoes, go to outside 1st period class
8:07am Try to Sleep until-
8:15am -Music plays over PA, still attempt sleep, but only a few minutes until bell rings realize wrong class,
haul ass in 1min.
8:07am Sleep until-
8:15am Bell rings, go to changeroom, change, sleep hangover
, Just acknowledge
dude (I don't judge, bro...),
dude makes small talk with me longer than usual. Normal stuff, just uncanny however.
8:24 O CANADA... why is this taking so long??!
if in gym
Dude opts to be my partner for fitness (Keeping track of laps n' shit), makes unnecessary compliments that could have been considered to boost morale, then tried to kiss me during the fitness test in front of everybody.
Aaaaaand stop :'(
8:25am-11:00am Do Gym or Business & Tech (or Vice-versa). Avoid no problems. FML
11:00am-11:55am I feel like eating my lunch; not in the mood. Going asleep in the Cafeteria, noise noticeable...
Have someone put something in my Hood (is not money)
12:00pm-2:30pm Math is... I'm still learning something, I hope. LA is boring as hell and no one in the group wants to do work, FUUUUCK LOW MARK CAUSE LAZY ASS GROUP. (again they can go in reverse order depending on schedule day#)
No.2:42pm Get own seat on bus. Sleep.
Dude purposely or due to no more room sits next to me. Long ride.
Also Grade 11s and 12s are smoking some super-strong weed, I/we/everyone can smell it throughout the bus.3:15pm Get off bus, walk 5 blocks and cross a 4-lane highway main ramp that runs into a regular street. Pass Crazy lady, talking to herself. Crossing sign JUST tells me not to cross when wanting to cross. TOO MANY CARS FUCK ME WHEN CAN I WALK? It's really raining hard.
3:27pm Get home, drop heavy bag.
3:30pm Whatever
6:00pm to 11:00am
11:47-2:00am Struggle to fall asleep due to constant IM from
Dude, which will continue for the month, otherwise
5:00am Get bored. Wake up at 3:45pm