Author Topic: [Watched]AnonyMouse And Trollin'  (Read 218 times)

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[Watched]AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« on: September 04, 2010, 09:30:59 AM »
1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23841252

2. Players Nickname: Anony Mouse

3. Your in-game name: .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™

4. Server name: Wirebuild
5. Description of the event(s): Had an Idea for a new vehicle: Tank. I said, why not really pay attention to detail on this one. Okay. Sure. So I'm building... Talk to Diehard about Tf2, Continue Building... Then... People come towards my Tank-thing and start having some propwar, most of the objects hitting the unfinished vehicle. I asked them to move. Later on Anony comes out of nowhere and appears inside of the tank, now having a Body, but no details yet. I ask him how he got inside, Hoping to seal whatever was open, up. Indirect answer, I ask him to leave. 1 Because I didn't like the though of people coming through the vehicle as they please and 2 because he was putting constant "dents" and explosion marks everywhere on the thing...

 He didn't leave, so I moved the vehicle to the Left and it subsequently killed him... Then he comes back and starts throwing desks at it... Cheesicle Says people bother me because whatever I make looks interesting... I ask Anony to stop again... he tapers off, and starts I mini Raegwar with Diehard. Okay. Then he comes back and places something inside of the vehicle that makes a noisy generatior-esque sound, and tons of sparks. TONS. It gets hard to see what I'm doing, and the noise isn't helping. I ask Anony to get rid of it. Nope.

So I dupe the Vehicle and get rid of the original, Anony falls out of it because it is no longer there. I go move to another corner of the map. Lucky Joins. He's just looking at it, okay, cool. Anony comes around and, instead, Spawns the now-apparent Turrets on the ground, about 7 or 5... And leaves them there for a certain amount of time, but enough to be annoying and distracting, unproductive even. I attempt to sound calm still but at this point I'm a mix Between Fed up, Helpless, Frustrated and Sad/angry. I ask Anony just why he's doing this. I don't think I got an answer I can completely believe but I go ahead and Tell him what's up dudebro.

Still, more Trollin'. Then for some reason he says he's lagging. I'm not lagging, Lucky Isn't... Yomo apparently isn't I'm not entirely sure. He blames it on my vehicle which, in the past, has not caused a single amount of harm to anything, ever, except space in the Dimensional sense.  So now, he Snapshot overflows, and leaves. Okay, I guess maybe by some coincedence my problems have been solved. Kinda.
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: no, im updating
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: ugh
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: updating what?
Player Anony Mouse has joined the game
Anony Mouse (Country: Maldives) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And lo and behold someone blames me for something I didn't do.
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: through rcon
So whatever that was, it crashed me moments later, I didn't get a chance to dupe the rest of the thing. Now I'm here, Frustrated and Feeling Helpless.

Now, I know what your going to say- Anony's a cool guy, he doesn't do this stuff... Unit's just some raegFeg.

 Well, sure, Anony is a cool dude, it's just sometimes things get out of hand and I seriously am at a Handicap (No one is going to listen to me, eveyone is going to side against me etc.). With the stuff he does to me, I feel as if I'm being denied any sort of opinion or freedom whatsoever, leaving me feeling pretty Insignificant and unheard, not to mention being left at the unmerciful hands of minge-ness. I kinda- no, I really want it to stop.
Why can't we just be cool  :-[

*Continued Post*
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 09:47:14 AM by Unit2 »

Offline ·UηİŦ··

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 09:31:58 AM »
6. Reason for ban: Constant Minge, Trollin', Spamming sounds, General minging, asked to stop. Even nicely.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

Anony Mouse was killed by prop_physics
AdvDupe (pasting...) undone
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUUUCKIGN
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: LOL
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: fuckigen is
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: need speak english
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: aah
(Respected) Anony Mouse: ワッフル
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: lol
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: i cant let u do that, anonymouse
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: C:
ivan-makashov's props have been cleaned up
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUUUUUCKINNNNNNNNNG
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: fuckingt
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: votekick anony fuckigen
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: NOOOOOO
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: :o
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: これは悪い必要が別のサーバーへ移動するキーです
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: GO AWAY
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUUUUUCKING AAAAAAAA
Player -ThE DaY- [Niko223XD] has joined the game
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUCLITTTTTTTTTTTT
-ThE DaY- [Niko223XD] (Country: Brazil) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: they cant let you do that, yomo
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: lol im get in
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) Anony Mouse: 騒々しい
Player ::THE::Leader::Un-ReaL:: has joined the game
::THE::Leader::Un-ReaL:: (Country: Israel) connected.
esuoM ynonA was killed by worldspawn
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: kthx
(Respected) Anony Mouse: fall a sls
esuoM ynonA was killed by prop_physics
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by prop_physics
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) Anony Mouse: fall asleels
Smart Constraint: Working...
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= suicided!
Smart Constraint: Finished. Total Constraints: 39
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by sent_turret
Warning: killicon not found 'sent_turret'
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by sent_turret
ERROR: GAMEMODE:'OnSpawnMenuOpen' Failed: gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:63: attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by sent_turret
Anony Mouse was killed by sent_turret
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: everyone wants to go into there for some reason
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by sent_turret
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Not me
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by sent_turret
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by sent_turret
Anony Mouse was killed by sent_turret
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: :(
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= suicided!
(Respected) Anony Mouse: votekick unit reason dont go there
(Respected) Anony Mouse: kthx
Anony Mouse was killed by entityflame
Warning: killicon not found 'entityflame'
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: unit騒々しい
Saving achievements...
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: Anony noisy
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: really noisy
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: yomo騒々しい
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by entityflame
(Respected) Anony Mouse: :(
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= initiated vote 'Kick player Anony Mouse?'
[SolidVote] Reason: Noisy
[SolidVote] Anony Mouse voted no.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= voted yes.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: vote kick
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: F11
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: he is prop pusher
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] voted no.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: yes i ma prop pusher
[SolidVote] Yes votes must exceed No votes. Yes Votes: 1/No Votes: 2
(Respected) Anony Mouse: need ban
(Respected) Anony Mouse: qruick
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by entityflame
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: LOL
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: WOW
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: FUCKING KILLER
(Respected) Anony Mouse: YOMO NOISY
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !servers in chat!
(Respected) Anony Mouse: ARARAAAAAAAA
(Respected) Anony Mouse: ARARARARA
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: smexy
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: veicle
(Respected) Anony Mouse: :3
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: unit
Anony Mouse was killed by sent_turret
Smart Constraint: Working...
esuoM ynonA was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: what :[
Smart Constraint: Finished. Total Constraints: 72
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: looks kewl
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: and yet people keep throwing things at it :[
(Respected) Anony Mouse: quick throw rocks at it
(Respected) Anony Mouse: it isnt meant to be in the past
( He Starts Throwing Desks at it)
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: cuz its just that awesome
esuoM ynonA was killed by prop_physics
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: (;[
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: :D!!
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by prop_physics
(Respected) Anony Mouse: :D!!!!!!!!!
(Respected) Anony Mouse: :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by worldspawn
esuoM ynonA was killed by worldspawn
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: kthx
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: revange
You now own this prop
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Balloon undone
esuoM ynonA was killed by sent_turret
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: ...
esuoM ynonA was killed by entityflame
Saving achievements...
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I just want people to stop bothering me, that's all. But everytime it's the same thing.
esuoM ynonA was killed by sent_turret
Player .:RND`=-FalconSpace101 has joined the game
.:RND`=-FalconSpace101 (Country: Philippines) connected.
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: i like crie
Giving esuoM ynonA a weapon_fiveseven
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] was killed by sent_turret
(Respected) Anony Mouse: genorator noisy ( He Spawns TurretSoundthing That Spams the Generator sound  :icecream: )
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Can't I build something for once without being bothered?
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: need ban genorator
(Respected) Anony Mouse: im not bothering you woman!!! [Insult, Made me :( ]

RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: Unit
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: not build server
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: its war server

(Respected) Anony Mouse: SLS [ Making fun of when I say Srs using Languagejoek :( ]
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Anony just please Get out :[ (Of the Vehicle, could have also meant just that now that I think about it.)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: nevar
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: LOL

(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I need to put things inside of it now too, and I can't do that.
Player .:RND`=-FalconSpace101 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: how about
(Respected) Anony Mouse: NO

(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I don't Give infintie Fucks if it looks cool and you must touch it GET THE FUCK OUT  :gtfo:  [:'(]
Unfroze 27 Objects

*continued Post*

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2010, 09:32:08 AM »
Anony Mouse was killed by prop_physics
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by worldspawn
(Respected) Anony Mouse: LOLOLO
(Respected) Anony Mouse: rage
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: ya rly

(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: yarlywundarwai ( :-[ )
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUCKING AAAAAAAAAAA

.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: A
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™ removed prop_physics
:1: attempt to call field 'Remover' (a nil value)
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: whos doing that
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: notme
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: lol anony
(Respected) Anony Mouse: prick
(about sounds)
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: LOL RAGE
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: lolololol
(Made me :'( at Yomo. Not am friend)
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: lolol
(Respected) Anony Mouse: fucking stop
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUCK
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUUCK
( Poking moar fun)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: FUCKING FUUUUCK
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: Tech is spammer need ban
Saving achievements...
.:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] suicided!
[SolidVote] esuoM ynonA initiated vote 'Ban player .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Reason: killing mouse
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= voted no.
[SolidVote] Anony Mouse voted no.
(Respected) .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI]: FOR THE LULZ
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Cheesicle [MI] voted yes.
Player Luckyslayer92 has joined the game
Luckyslayer92 (Country: United States) connected.
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: :O!!!
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: yes no?
(Respected) Anony Mouse: really

Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: Unit make snap overflow (no)
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I don't know why Every day I must put up with this when All I wanted was to Construct something neat.
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= was killed by worldspawn
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: speak english
(Respected) Anony Mouse: e
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm not going to bother. (Emofaic)
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: Unit is rage
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: do not touch
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: ^
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Please leave that alone.
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: no

Player V!P3R.ROFL has joined the game
V!P3R.ROFL (Country: United States) connected.
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: what does this do?
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: do not leave
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: It would drive if I could get to it.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Anony, Leave.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Please.

(Respected) Anony Mouse: how leave?
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Just stop being in it even.
(Respected) .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -=: Lagyg
(Respected) Anony Mouse: how to leave?
(Respected) Anony Mouse: teach?
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Maybe even just give me some space.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: i am new to engrish
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Fine. Demo.
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: what is leave
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm always trollbait and from you I'll never know.
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: fixed ya mouse
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Is it my name? Does that Entice you?
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: xD
Saving achievements...
(Respected) Anony Mouse: problem?
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !info in chat!
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: mouse were you stuck or something?
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Just leave this and me alone, Please. I can't even build.
(Respected) Anony Mouse: no

(Respected) Luckyslayer92: cause if you were i fixed you xD
.:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= suicided!
(Respected) Anony Mouse: i dont want you to build in her
(Respected) Anony Mouse: its laggy (NOT my fault. See Rcon Dillema event)
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Is that why?
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: no lag om my end
Player .:RND`=- [JP]Yomo -= left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Respected) Anony Mouse: go build in singleplayer
Player unconnected left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: on my end*
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: But don't you realize I come here to build?
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: What if I don't have certain tools?
Player ivan-makashov has joined the game
ivan-makashov (Country: Russian Federation) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: What if I can't get them?
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: mouse why you have 800 ping.. (  :-X )
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
Player Anony Mouse left the game (ERROR! Reliable snaphsot overflow.)
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: That's not me...
Player Anony Mouse has joined the game
Anony Mouse (Country: Maldives) connected.
ERROR: GAMEMODE:'OnSpawnMenuOpen' Failed: gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:63: attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)
[Wire Build:Console] ".:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: are we getting Ddos?"
Player Dr.Mittens has joined the game
Dr.Mittens (Country: Philippines) connected.
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: no, im updating
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: ugh
(Respected) Luckyslayer92: updating what?
Player Anony Mouse has joined the game

Anony Mouse (Country: Maldives) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And lo and behold someone blames me for something I didn't do.
(Respected) esuoM ynonA: through rcon
(Respected) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I just want it to stop.

esuoM ynonA suicided!
ERROR: GAMEMODE:'OnSpawnMenuOpen' Failed: gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:63: attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)
ERROR: GAMEMODE:'OnSpawnMenuOpen' Failed: gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:63: attempt to call field
*CRASH* a fair moment later.


Anony, Seriously, please, Be nice. And if not, just stop Meddling with me. Call me whatever, I don't truly care, but, at least stop messing with what I try to erect. I, Never in my time being here, Troubled you. Ever. If anything it was asking you to leave me alone. I don't see why you must make if any such a deal out of that. If you want an apology, fine. Okay. I'm sorry for... Whatever. But ATM I really think you owe me one.

This isn't the first time this has happened, but I really Hope it's the last.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 11:30:07 AM by Unit2 »

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 09:43:21 AM »
1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23841252

2. Players Nickname: Anony Mouse

3. Your in-game name: .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™

4. Server name: Wirebuild
5. Description of the event(s): Had an Idea for a new vehicle: Tank. I said, why not really pay attention to detail on this one. Okay. Sure. So I'm building... Talk to Diehard about Tf2, Continue Building... Then... People come towards my Tank-thing and start having some propwar, most of the objects hitting the unfinished vehicle. I asked them to move. Later on Anony comes out of nowhere and appears inside of the tank, now having a Body, but no details yet. I ask him how he got inside, Hoping to seal whatever was open, up. Indirect answer, I ask him to leave. 1 Because I didn't like the though of people coming through the vehicle as they please and 2 because he was putting constant "dents" and explosion marks everywhere on the thing... He didn't leave, so I moved the vehicle to the Left and it subsequently killed him... Then he comes back and starts throwing desks at it... Cheesicle Says people bother me because whatever I make looks interesting... I ask Anony to stop again... he tapers off, and starts I mini Raegwar with Diehard. Okay. Then he comes back and places something inside of the vehicle that makes a noisy generatior-esque sound, and tons of sparks. TONS. It gets hard to see what I'm doing, and the noise isn't helping. I ask Anony to get rid of it. Nope.
So I dupe the Vehicle and get rid of the original, Anony falls out of it because it is no longer there. I go move to another corner of the map. Lucky Joins. He's just looking at it, okay, cool. Anony comes around and, instead, Spawns the now-apparent Turrets on the ground, about 7 or 5... And leaves them there for a certain amount of time, but enough to be annoying and distracting, unproductive even. I attempt to sound calm still but at this point I'm a mix Between Fed up, Helpless, Frustrated and Sad/angry. I ask Anony just why he's doing this. I don't think I got an answer I can completely believe but I go ahead and Tell him what's up dudebro. Still, more Trollin'. Then for some reason he says he's lagging. I'm not lagging, Lucky Isn't... Yomo apparently isn't I'm not entirely sure. He blames it on my vehicle which, in the past, has not caused a single amount of harm to anything, ever, except space in the Dimensional sense.  So now, he Snapshot overflows, and leaves. Okay, I guess maybe by some coincedence my problems have been solved. Kinda. So whatever that was, it crashed me moments later, I didn't get a chance to dupe the rest of the thing. Now I'm here, Frustrated and Feeling Helpless.

Now, I know what your going to say- Anony's a cool guy, he doesn't do this stuff... Unit's just some raegFeg. Well, sure, Anony is a cool dude, it
s just sometimes things get out of hand and I seriously am at a Handicap (No one is going to listen to me, eveyone is going to side against me etc.). With the stuff he does to me, I feel as if I'm being denied any sort of opinion or freedom whatsoever, leaving me feeling pretty Insignificant and unheard, not to mention being left at the unmerciful hands of minge-ness. I kinda- no, I really want it to stop.
Why can't we just be cool  :-[

*Continued Post*

Use RETURN when making paragraphs, when you write like this, one big paragraph, people look at it and say TL:DR

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2010, 10:13:03 AM »
Use RETURN when making paragraphs, when you write like this, one big paragraph, people look at it and say TL:DR
I read it all because it's Unit.
Fucking banzor Anony. He's done this to me in wire too.

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2010, 11:28:44 AM »
anony and ulrich are newfage. they need bans.
.:RND`=-[JP]Yomo?: Nail speak english ur japanese is cant understund

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 11:30:52 AM »
I agree with nail cannon.

With what unit has shown us, i can't really disagree with  him. Anony loooves raging d:

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2010, 12:03:47 PM »
Poor Unit  :(. You always get minged/trolled D:.
Anony bans kthnxbai.

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2010, 12:10:25 PM »
Poor Unit  :(. You always get minged/trolled D:.
Anony bans kthnxbai.
I don't know but I feel as if I'm a punching bag :[

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2010, 12:38:21 PM »

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Re: AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2010, 12:41:51 PM »
I will watch Him in the upcoming weeks

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Re: [Watched]AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2010, 03:12:21 PM »

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Re: [Watched]AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2010, 07:01:53 PM »
He can be bother some at some points. Just talk to him in a respectful manor.
By all means hes a good guy.
Dont resort to perm.
(Reg) Nezz45: peetah are you good with the weight tool?

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Re: [Watched]AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2010, 10:46:52 PM »
ah shit sorry about this and i didnt do that snapshot overflow thing, someone spawned large amounts of css weapons im very sorry for doing this, i hope you forgive me

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Re: [Watched]AnonyMouse And Trollin'
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2010, 10:58:42 PM »
Would anyone guess that I was esuoM ynonA?