Hai, im not that new, but i would liek to introduce mahshelf to people who havent seen/played with me before
Steam: I HAVE SOOOOO MANY GOD DAMN NAMES, but they all begin with Dillpill
I liek turtles, mudkips (im 100% serious in saying so), and all of the rnd servers (except glitchy Toxsin)
I h8 squeaky voice kids who scream at the top of their lungs into the mic, minges, and rdmers in TTT
if u want to play or talk to me, add me on steam,
red maeks me smart I play on TTT,Wire (sometimes),ZS, and if i get bored flood
NEVER ask me to play CSS, i rage too much on it
that pretty much sums it up, bai
EDIT: im also a faggot, according to some people