.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Osama Bin Laden...Dead?

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--- Quote from: Foofoojack on May 04, 2011, 03:41:46 PM ---U.S.A.'s military is too strong for any warfare from al-Queda.

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overpreparation ftl


--- Quote from: Deacon on May 04, 2011, 03:45:03 PM ---overpreparation ftl

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anything can happen :/


--- Quote from: Shawn on May 04, 2011, 10:41:59 AM ---Err i just have to post this "it's better to stick with the devil you know"

For the past 10 years hes been hiding and couldn't make anymore attacks now that someone else has control, prepare for attacks since this leader won't be in hiding.

so in reality what have you guys done? Thats right you opened it all up for more attacks


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Congrates to everyone.

I'm not worried.

I am prepared.


--- Quote from: Deacon on May 03, 2011, 06:39:58 PM ---This

ANYONE who argues that this ends anything does not know what they are talking about. Killing bin Laden is a largely symbolic measure. All he was was a symbolic head of a terrorist organization. What this will do is weaken al-Qaeda, while at the same time enticing them to strike. I am fairly certain that a new "major" terrorist strike will come within a few months; it is to be expected. This is why we all must be vigilant in our civic duties. Although I say these things, we are all fucked anyway because we are too busy arguing about pointless bullshit to stop and think about the safety of our citizens.

Be forewarned; education is the most valuable asset in a battle of psychology. Which is exactly the battle that al-Qaeda is fighting. The mere fact that people doubt that bin Laden is dead proves the fact that the propaganda has worked on them.

The Americans you see running around going "We won we are the best, now we can leave Afghanistan" are the same reason you hate all of us, but you must forgive them; they are ignorant and uninformed, not by their own doing. They were not taught any better.
start: argument thread. unintentional side-effect of my point of view.

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i just said this, but in fewer words. by a lot


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