.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Osama Bin Laden...Dead?

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ehhh if they are able to attack us soon then they would have done it anyway. Just because there figure head who actually wasn't the real leader most experts say. Ayman Al Zawahiri was most likely leading them for the past 5 years.

Err i just have to post this "it's better to stick with the devil you know"

For the past 10 years hes been hiding and couldn't make anymore attacks now that someone else has control, prepare for attacks since this leader won't be in hiding.

so in reality what have you guys done? Thats right you opened it all up for more attacks


I think there about one week or two that already have been attacks in the USA.

Mr. Franklin:
half the people in Al-Queda hate the leader 2nd incharge, and their are many sides to Al-Queda, from what the Obama administration said. We have taken out their main leaders for the most part, so Al-Queda is half-way broken and very fragile, their is not a possible chance we will see any attack on any country from Al-Queda.

U.S.A.'s military is too strong for any warfare from al-Queda.


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