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Osama Bin Laden...Dead?

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They may have killed Osama but that'll probably be the first in a chain reaction. Osama had quite a lot of followers, who knows what'll happen now that he's dead.


--- Quote from: Jman on May 02, 2011, 12:06:09 PM ---Clearly fake...

They would be killed if they legitimately leaked a photo of him dead.

The people that killed him were spec ops and wouldn't just be like "Oh hey guize i keel him im taek pictoor now put on interwebz kthx."

I'm sure they do have pictures of it, but I'm sure it's VERY highly classified.

They put him in a coffin and dumped it into the ocean.

--- End quote ---
Even if it's fake, it's still going too far imo.
But anywho, it seriously looks like someone used the jizz tool in Paint to make that photo.

@Don; That is exactly what this means. THE WAR ON TERROR IS OVER!

@Poketoaster; I don't think I needed to see that. A warning would've been nice.

@Others; They are releasing the picture. I don't know if that was the picture or if that was a fake, but if you read the news you'll see they are releasing it.

@Don, who gives, the families of 9/11 wanted him dead, and dead he is.


--- Quote from: Jman on May 02, 2011, 12:06:09 PM ---They put him in a coffin and dumped it into the ocean.

--- End quote ---

My Fillet-o-fish is 36% Terrorist :vomit:

On another note, a direct quote from TV:

"Officials say the last thing Osama Bin Laden saw, was the face of an US Soldier."
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