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Osama Bin Laden...Dead?
Yeah I saw on the news today that his DNA confirmed it was him. Just another day of TTT :/
CIA got tipped, built up enough info, launched an operation, Navy SEALs went in a firefight at the mansion, one helicopter malfunctions and crashes but survives, Osama gets shot in the head... pretty much that in summary.
I learned that Osama was originally from Saudi Arabia but was protesting against USA military presence in the 1990's. He was exiled and went to South of Egypt and tried to plan to assassinate the Egyptian leader (I forgot his name). I think he failed and went to Afghanistan where USSR was trying to take over so he used his political powers to get money for weapons to fight back. They fight them out of the country and he was then considered a hero. But, he used his power in the wrong way and swore to hurt the US in a way which was all the attacks on US and allies.
But thing is terrorism will never end even with their leader dead. Still a LOT of groups wanting to cause harm to innocent people.
--- Quote from: Tepig Toaster on May 02, 2011, 01:34:56 AM ---Spoiler (click to show/hide) :cake:
new american flag
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That was going a bit far...
Anyhow, definitely glad that he's gone now, but I have to agree with what Don said.
--- Quote from: DoeniDon on May 02, 2011, 05:44:04 AM ---Too bad this won't actually change SHIT in the world.
Do you really think he was the one and only and absolute undying leader of everything related to TERROISTS WANTING OUR FREEEEEEDOOOOOM? ._.
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Think about it this way,
If a member "left" RND, it wouldn't really impact anything or anyone.
If Coolz decided he wasn't going to host anymore and was closing down RND, then that'd be a different story. Sure, small pockets of members would regroup with another clan/community, but it won't be the same force that RND was.
And yes, I did just compare Coolz to Osama. Now hush.
--- Quote from: Shawn on May 01, 2011, 08:47:46 PM ---Another 10 years :trollface:
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A lot longer than that. When was the last time the Middle East was ruled non-corruptly.
King David maybe?
--- Quote from: Tepig Toaster on May 02, 2011, 01:34:56 AM ---Spoiler (click to show/hide) :cake:
new american flag
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Clearly fake...
They would be killed if they legitimately leaked a photo of him dead.
The people that killed him were spec ops and wouldn't just be like "Oh hey guize i keel him im taek pictoor now put on interwebz kthx."
I'm sure they do have pictures of it, but I'm sure it's VERY highly classified.
They put him in a coffin and dumped it into the ocean.
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