.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Sony, I am utterly disappoint
I agree that first level game play really got me hooked, but later on it wasn't so much fun with all the sneaking and bland level design
--- Quote from: jimonions on April 30, 2011, 10:31:28 PM ---I agree that first level game play really got me hooked, but later on it wasn't so much fun with all the sneaking and bland level design
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There was one specific level that's forever etched into my mind.
I decided to play through on the hardest difficulty so I can get the shiney Golden guns,
the first 3-ish levels were relatively easy, it wasn't until I got into the prison level or something where it got SO FUCKING HARD.
Even with silenced weapons, everyone seemed to know your location instantly, and there was little to no cover around.
Not to mention that every time I thought I would win, someone would manage to sneak behind me and blast me in the face with a shotgun.
I remember it was like a big tunnel area and I didn't have any ammo apart from a magnum which was one hit kill. Also the ai managed to find me all the time and 5 of them all with riot shields would show up and blast my face in.
Wow, that game seems really good! I gotta try it! I just like how the AK had 60 bullets in it.
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: jimonions on April 30, 2011, 10:10:14 PM ---gamecube was the shit though, 4player mario party and mario cart all the way.
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Call of Duty: The Big Red One all the way too. Before the series turned into udder shit and stereotyped like with the Duty Calls parody.
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