.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Sony, I am utterly disappoint
Thank god for consoles and no lag
I once got the game "black" on ps2. I couldn't complete a level because the joystick kept crapping out and jerking all around the screen. I never got any played any fps games on it after that.
gamecube was the shit though, 4player mario party and mario cart all the way.
--- Quote from: jimonions on April 30, 2011, 10:10:14 PM ---I once got the game "black" on ps2. I couldn't complete a level because the joystick kept crapping out and jerking all around the screen. I never got any played any fps games on it after that.
gamecube was the shit though, 4player mario party and mario cart all the way.
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didn't that game get shitty reviews for being broken?
I wasn't really into games back then. I just saw it in the store and was like oh this looks ok.
Deg, stop being a gigantic Faggot
--- Quote from: Death M.D. on April 30, 2011, 01:44:40 PM ---we have everything you have, everything others have, old game, future games, prerelease, and pc only games
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PS3/360 exclusives what
--- Quote from: Death M.D. on April 30, 2011, 01:44:40 PM ---you have gpu from 2005, we have gpu from 2015
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Hey, no argument there.
Even though that shit's from 2005, it can still compete with most modern "Gaming" PC's.
--- Quote ---we have yours, theirs, and more
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Not sure what faggot complained about controllers.
I hope you know that they sell Keyboard/Mouse combos for 360/PS3 though, so "we have yours, theirs, and more" also applies to console gamers :l
--- Quote ---we cant get hacked. and its free-er
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> free-er
Dude, what.
And saying "We can't get hacked" is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.
--- Quote ---ps3 and xbox doesnt have hack prevention, pc does
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Hackers what
The only hackers I ever see on console's are people with those rapid-fire controller things, and I'm pretty sure you can do the same with a PC Macro.
--- Quote ---you just dumped over 3000 USD into a tv and mods for your xbox... pc equiv to any console, 500USD tops, including a decent monitor
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> Implying people don't already own a TV
Come on Deg, saying you spent 3000$ on a TV is like saying "The only good computers cost 9001$". I just did a google search with wal-mart, you can get yourself a 44' LCD 1080P TV for 250$.
So lets say you're fucking retarded and don't own a TV,
250 for TV + 250 for PS3 = $500
$450 if you're getting yourself a 360.
--- Quote ---cant have friends play also
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Consoles are great for people who want to get their fix, and don't have a lot of money to spend. Like I said before, some games were just meant to be played on a console. I don't know about you, but I think it's a hell of a lot nicer to play SF4 when I can just sit back on a couch, with my 40' HDTV.
Also, Black was a AMAZING game.
Specifically the sound design. The graphics were fucking beautiful, especially for the PS2.
Black / ブラック (PS2, NTSC-J) Mission 1 | HD
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