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Virus Scanning and Removal Recommendations (also, Maintainance.)

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My favorite ant-virus.

Panda Cloud (Amazing Cloud based AV, eXPREEEMLY light on resources.)
Microsoft's Security Essentials. (Free and secure.)
Emsisoft's Anti-virus. (Top detection rates.)

» Magic «:
msse ftw :)


--- Quote from: Peetah on April 28, 2011, 12:41:35 PM ---My favorite ant-virus.

Panda Cloud (Amazing Cloud based AV, eXPREEEMLY light on resources.)
Microsoft's Security Essentials. (Free and secure.)
Emsisoft's Anti-virus. (Top detection rates.)

--- End quote ---

Hmm, I have yet to hear of Panda Cloud, Do they have a Trial version?

And yes, Microsofts Security Essentials actually SURPRISED me by how well microsoft actually did with it, I have had a few bugs thought, It blocks some of my hardware on my computer from using the internet but I'm guessing that's a security Protocal or Setting for it, I'm not quite sure but I haven't found a resolve for the issue yet, I haven't checked into how well it does as far as resource consumption but overall I'm glad to have it so I don't have to buy a 60$ anti-virus, Cause at the moment, I can't afford it but otherwise, I'm actually pretty Satisfied with it.

Emsisoft's Anti-Virus, Another I have yet to hear of but I will be sure to look into it. :)


--- Quote from: InfamousFelix on April 28, 2011, 04:24:32 PM ---Hmm, I have yet to hear of Panda Cloud, Do they have a Trial version?

And yes, Microsofts Security Essentials actually SURPRISED me by how well microsoft actually did with it, I have had a few bugs thought, It blocks some of my hardware on my computer from using the internet but I'm guessing that's a security Protocal or Setting for it, I'm not quite sure but I haven't found a resolve for the issue yet, I haven't checked into how well it does as far as resource consumption but overall I'm glad to have it so I don't have to buy a 60$ anti-virus, Cause at the moment, I can't afford it but otherwise, I'm actually pretty Satisfied with it.

Emsisoft's Anti-Virus, Another I have yet to hear of but I will be sure to look into it. :)

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Take a look at Panda Cloud. Its 100% free. Takes like 1mb of ram on idle.

Emsisoft is not free but is The best i must say.



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