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Virus Scanning and Removal Recommendations (also, Maintainance.)

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Programs I recommend for Virus Removal and Detection.

There's a program I have been using in My Years of Computer work (I don't have a Computer IT Tech Degree or anything like that but I've been working with them since I was 9, Mostly with fixing them.)

The number one and only program I have used for removal of Viruses is called Unlocker, Simultaneously kills the process and deletes the virus, You can Download it FOR FREE From MajorGeeks.com, Here is a link. :) http://majorgeeks.com/Unlocker_d4660.html

Also a list of Anti-Viruses I Recommend and Anti-Viruses I Do NOT recommend. (Also Anti-Spyware)

I Personally Recommend:
ESET Nod32 (It was actually #1 in a test on OCforums.com and when I had it, It worked Wonderfully)
Malware-Bytes (Decent Anti-Malware/Anti-Virus)
Spybot Search & Destroy (It does an ok job but does not nab everything, It used to be all I used it's still a good program if you need a backup. :) )
Microsoft's Security Essentials (Yes It actually does a decent job, Only available by download Here >http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=e1605e70-9649-4a87-8532-33d813687a7f< or Windows 7 Ultimate Edition SP1 Upgrade)
Trend Micro (Be careful it was buggy when I used it, It actually caused my system to crash but I still use the online scanner)

Most of the time, Your Anti-Spyware/Anti-Malware program isn't going to be any good with anything else (That I've experienced) Unless it's Corporate.

Anti-Viruses I do NOT recommend:
AVG (It caught 700+ out of 2000 viruses and spyware on a test that OCforums.com ran on different computers)
Ad-aware (It's a BS anti-Malware that slows your computer down tremendously and hardly finds anything)
Norton Anti-Virus (I Highly do not recommend, My dad had it for 3 years, on a computer that had not been reformatted the entire time, I ran a test from Trendmicro.com and found over 4000+ Viruses on his computer, Also if your subscription expires, It will INTENTIONALLY slow down your computer.)
McAfee Anti-Virus (Also another BS antivirus, I actually found that it brought more attention to my computer and let more viruses in)

Things that you can also do to Prevent Viruses or Malware, If you have Firefox or Google Chrome (If you don't I highly recommend you switch IE Has a lot of loopholes in it) You can download an addon for them called WOT (Web of Trust) This is an application that brings reviews that everyone submits on a website to rate it a good or bad website weather it be from viruses, Spyware or it be from Identity theft, It will save you, It saved me from identity theft and I haven't had a virus in almost a year now. :)

There are free scans for these Anti-Viruses, I have found them Helpful, Links below.


Trend Micro

Also, One last thing, Good system maintenance , Everybody needs to stick to it, I remember I helped a guy with his computer, He couldn't run Counter-Strike: Source cause his key input was delayed, Or his mouse movement, He had a brand new video card and it wouldn't work, I went into his system remotely and found that his hard drive was 57% Fragmented, Once it was De-Fragmented It ran perfectly smooth.

So I recommend:
PC Pitstop PC Matic (Not free but it works very well also comes with a Virus/Malware scanner)
DiskTrix Ultimate Disk Defrag

That's about it, I hope this Guide helps you out with your troubles, Feel free to ask any questions. :)


--- Quote ---Anti-Viruses I do NOT recommend:
AVG (It caught 700+ out of 2000 viruses and spyware on a test that OCforums.com ran on different computers)
Ad-aware (It's a BS anti-Malware that slows your computer down tremendously and hardly finds anything)
Norton Anti-Virus (I Highly do not recommend, My dad had it for 3 years, on a computer that had not been reformatted the entire time, I ran a test from Trendmicro.com and found over 4000+ Viruses on his computer, Also if your subscription expires, It will INTENTIONALLY slow down your computer.)
McAfee Anti-Virus (Also another BS antivirus, I actually found that it brought more attention to my computer and let more viruses in)
--- End quote ---

You said that twice... besides, my McAfee works decently and warns me about all these programs wanting access.


--- Quote from: Ice Van Winkle on April 27, 2011, 07:23:51 PM ---You said that twice... besides, my McAfee works decently and warns me about all these programs wanting access.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for pointing that out, That was a strange glitch considering I didn't copy/paste anything but links. o.O

But anyways, It can be good as far as monitoring programs but its detection of Viruses and Malware is Poor.

Dale Feles:
Stop stealing mah guide :o The program Rkill that I posted does (pretty much almost) the same thing as Unlocker... :/

I didn't see the Rkill part, I might as well just make it a suggestion guide. >.>


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