.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
An acknowledgement the recent tragedy.
Seb, you're over-support of every newfag is getting annoying. It's not your business, they can fight their own battles. You neglect to even take a second and realize "Wow, what a stupid question/comment/whateverthefuckwe'recallingthemouton."
Just stop. You're no prophet and just because you made a "How to be Un-Hated" guide you don't have to do this every time a newfag got themselves into shit.
TBH I thought it was gamefreak since he got banned and shit.
--- Quote from: Jman on April 27, 2011, 06:58:18 PM ---Seb, you're over-support of every newfag is getting annoying. It's not your business, they can fight their own battles. You neglect to even take a second and realize "Wow, what a stupid question/comment/whateverthefuckwe'recallingthemouton."
Just stop. You're no prophet and just because you made a "How to be Un-Hated" guide you don't have to do this every time a newfag got themselves into shit.
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-1 this all you guys want, but, yeah, I won't blatantly support somebody if they made a ridiculously stupid remark or if they're being hardheaded or a general asshat, but he asked a fucking question! That shouldn't garner instant disrespect! Everybody in this community is just absurdly harsh and unforgiving to people they're not familiar with and just let the shitstorm brew if they so much as type the wrong word at the wrong time, you xenophobes!
Here's somebody, genuinely sorry for whatever fucked them, and genuinely trying to be a member of this community, and you fucking get all over his case over asking a question instead of Googling something!
You're all cool and all, I like each and every single one of you, but you guys are real assholes to members you don't know.
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Seb on April 27, 2011, 08:04:11 PM ---Here's somebody, genuinely sorry for whatever fucked them, and genuinely trying to be a member of this community, and you fucking get all over his case over asking a question instead of Googling something!
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You do realize he's not very sorry considering most of his posts is either a stupid post or a quick +1 to postcount. Take a little trip through his post's and read them carefully. Matter of fact, you happen to rage and +1 any newfags post if one of us dares to -1 his karma. If he can't really google a simple question in the first place, I don't know what to tell you. And people have warned Horia about his posts multiple times.
But Seb, I don't really wanna insult you much or anything, but you might wanna consider who you're trying to stick-up for. If everyone does a -1 on a obvious post by a newfag, don't get all ragetastic, +1 it in attempt to set it back to +0, and then yell at us for it. There would be a good reason why any posts are -1'd, so you might wanna tend to realize that reason.
--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on April 27, 2011, 06:22:44 PM ---TBH, my first guess WAS lil fox.
But in all honesty, I think he's too stupid to pull something like this off :l
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This is exactly what I was going to say.
In a less douchey way.
I also don't think lil fox would have been able to type the way wolfie did and keep it up.
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