.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

An acknowledgement the recent tragedy.

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We've been breached. We've been trolled  :omgwtftrolld:. My anus is bleeding. My nipples are no longer tasting nice. My penis is no longer sideways.

Let us all take a minute and think about what has been done by one with the name of "Wolfie the Foxcat <3". He joined behind 3 IP's, a no-find-me e-mail, and showed obvious signs of a troll. But we fell for it. I personally just realized now how it was obvious.

1) He purposely failed at providing steamid in his app so we couldn't actually find him.

2) He made another topic right after that which started a shitstorm among our own members.

3) He fuels it by posting a picture of a dog and implying he has sex with it, to stir more trouble.

It's a good thing we have tomcat, or who knows how long that would have went on.

And yes, this is in discussion, as I was going to post in Restricted, but everyone needs to see it lolol.

Oh, and I lol'd at cake face's post of Every Day in the 90's in the thread.

That is all.

I am scarred for life from what i have read but finding out it was just a troll makes me even more mad


--- Quote from: Dillpill The Nerd on April 26, 2011, 08:11:18 PM ---thank gawd for tomcat, who knows how far this could have went...

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Jman on April 26, 2011, 08:08:01 PM ---It's a good thing we have tomcat, or who knows how long that would have went on.

--- End quote ---

Uhh nope.

LOL i didnt read the post fully derp

I bet it was Foofoo

just saying...


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