Steam: blackmac95
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24540015
In-Game Name:MacBlackᴴᴰ
Time online: It really depends. Sometimes I play all night sometimes I don't even have free time.
Servers: I really try to play on every server. But mostly Winter,Fretta and Build.
Age: 15/16
Birthday: 5, July, 1995
Games (on Steam): I have like 50+ games or so...Do I really need to type them all here?
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: Well I would like to say I suck at writing these parts of applications. My mind is kinda empty so I'm gonna do my best at this:
I would like to be regular on RND because I really like the community. I was here maybe 1.5/2 years ago??? I don't really remember but I enjoyed it a lot. Another part of me wanting regular is because the tool limit on the build server being really high, I would like to have access to some stuff like adv. duplicator and expression 2. I'm also not a minge and I do my best to report and remove them from the servers.
Contributions to RND: None at the moment. Maybe this counts: I reported a spammer on a build server like 30 minutes ago and he got pbanned by coolz not sure if it counts.
Also I know I don't really have any posts and most of you didn't see me on the server, but I guarantee you I'm not bad.
I mostly play fretta,winter and build and I'm applying right now because I found time to write this but mostly I'm busy with playing or studying.
If this is too early for me to apply for regular well I will just try again once you all know me!
Thank you for taking your time to read this applicaton!