.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

PS3 Network (PSN) Down

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» Magic «:
Good for Sony

fuck that guy now i can't activate my PS3-PC portal 2 on my computer to make walkthroughs...

Good thing i don't own any console.
Pc is da best!

You know i remember when it was impossible for any console to access internet... Hell i remember before people actually started useing the internet... ahh simple times...

But srsly yes lets bring down one of the console games internet... But I'm going to laugh when Sony just says  "Fuck it now no console released after this date will allow internet access" lets see how you guys take it then...

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Shawn on April 26, 2011, 09:30:11 AM ---You know i remember when it was impossible for any console to access internet... Hell i remember before people actually started useing the internet... ahh simple times...

But srsly yes lets bring down one of the console games internet... But I'm going to laugh when Sony just says  "Fuck it now no console released after this date will allow internet access" lets see how you guys take it then...

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't mind I'm more of an SP guy anyway


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