In-Game Name:
Wolfie the Foxcat <3
Time online: around 4 to 8 after school when im not with my mate <<<333
In order from the one most played to the one least played: zombie survvival
Age: 19
Birthday: nov 10
Location: guillfurd, washington
Fursona Name: Wofie <3
Dominant:( you can't tame me ;3)
Gender: male
Species: wolf ^^
Age: 16
orientation : bi o3o
Birth date: 21/07
Height: 1,85m
Home: american ( freedom!!!! )
Description: thin,cuddling, wolf with soft,warm fur
Eyes Color : Yellow :3
Mated : Yes ! Mated to my handsome Husky <333(Slinced) i love you so mutch ^^
weaknesses: Stuff o.o
MY HERO's : Lady Gaga <3 ,Gordon Ramsay x3 Albert Wesker <3~ xD
Brother : little bro who is so caring and always up for a fun chat ^^ <3
Body shape: thin tasty figure >:3
Scars: who knows :O
Fur Color: White ^w^
Physical condition: averaged.
Clothes: Check for yourself ;3
Personality:Friendly,Sweetsome Wolfy that really cares for his friends
Fears:Big thingy things O:!
Massive Turn-on : o ye.. like im going to tell you that.. >.>
Likes: wufkies <3 ,Femboys,furries^^,

,cuddling,Getting LOVE - bites, Cookies! and omg LOLLIPOP's!
dislikes: hackers , ppl who just add him for yiff
Plesure Points:Footpaws x3!,tailring,chest,ears and... you know :*)
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I always play on the RND server, and I <3 them so much. But the only problem is the minging and griefing that happen in Zombie Survival…(Like meanies breaking the boxes in Death lab :’( :’( :’( ) So I want to be reg to help decide who is to be kick’d

steam id 32437741