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An item shop

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idk you, but me...

> kill 20 zombies at zs and chem blow your ass.

>go to TTT with your new 20 points.

> you shot back a guy that randomly shots you and the detective gets in the way, you headshoted the D and  the inno was just trolling around, bye to the half of the points you earned.

>ragequit for 1 week.

Mr. Franklin:

--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on August 06, 2011, 12:00:52 PM ---
Here is a more effective score for my thought about it. Comment on it how you think.
Traitor kill Detective = 5

--- End quote ---

Instead of 5 it should be 3. one traitor could kill both detectives and get 10 points right off the bat.

Hm I agree with Franklin. What about you sheeps?

Lol... why is everyone still posting here?
It's not like coolz said it's being added.


--- Quote from: Sabb on August 07, 2011, 01:30:40 PM ---Lol... why is everyone still posting here?
It's not like coolz said it's being added.

--- End quote ---
What do you mean?
He already said he was working on a point system similar to this already.  :nomnom:


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