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An item shop

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--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on August 02, 2011, 09:25:45 AM ---make it where they earn credits for inno killing traitor, traitor killing inno/detective, detective killing traitor. But make it deduct like 3 rounds worth of points possible if they kill over 2 innocents. My idea score system below:

Traitor kill Detective = 3
Traitor kill Innocent = 1
Detective kill Traitor = 2
Innocent kill Traitor = 2
Traitor kill Traitor = -6
Detective kill Innocent = -4
Detective kill Detective = -6
Innocent kill Innocent = -6
Innocent kill Detective= -4
Traitor damage Traitor > 50 = -6
Detective damage Detective > 50 = -6
Detective damage Innocent > 50 = -4
Innocent damage Innocent > 50 = -2
Innocent damage Detective > 50 = -8
-Enhancements- (added onto Increments  ex. innocent kill 2 traitors no innocents no detectives = 10)
Innocent kill 2 Traitors no Innocents or Detectives = 6
Detective kill 2 Traitors no Innocents or Detectives = 4
Traitor kill 3 Innocents no Traitors = 4
Traitor kill 2 Detectives no Traitors = 6

The reason behind the (Innocent damage Innocent > 50 etc.) was to say they knew they was shooting that person (rdm) and if they killed it could be misfire (shooting traitor and innocent or detective step in way etc.) it will effect them but not to a large degree. Reason behind Innocents getting larger bonus for killing traitor is cause they don't start with a DNA scanner or any equipment and may have a harder time finding out who is a traitor, encouraging them to fire but not to worry to much about losing points. Though I know you can misfire for more than 50 but its just a small safe call.

p.s. your total points can also go negative so better watch your fire and who you are shooting

--- End quote ---

I agree, this is a great point system, except for one thing. When an innocent kills a detective, wouldn't that be rdming? In my opinion, they should be deducted -15 points for killing a detective while innocent.


--- Quote from: o69snipe69o on August 06, 2011, 06:08:02 AM ---I agree, this is a great point system, except for one thing. When an innocent kills a detective, wouldn't that be rdming? In my opinion, they should be deducted -15 points for killing a detective while innocent.

--- End quote --- innocent killling the detective is actually self explanatory and you shouldn't do that :s


--- Quote from: o69snipe69o on August 06, 2011, 06:08:02 AM ---I agree, this is a great point system, except for one thing. When an innocent kills a detective, wouldn't that be rdming? In my opinion, they should be deducted -15 points for killing a detective while innocent.

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--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on August 04, 2011, 01:10:02 PM ---the points given would need to be fixed, i just typed all that off top of my head so no real planning was involved in it.

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Here is a more effective score for my thought about it. Comment on it how you think.
Traitor kill Detective = 5
Traitor kill 2 Innocents = 1
Detective kill Traitor = 3
Innocent kill Traitor = 1

Traitor kill Traitor = -6
Detective kill Innocent = -3
Detective kill Detective = -6
Innocent kill Innocent = -4
Innocent kill Detective= -6
Traitor damage Traitor > 50 = -8
Detective damage Detective > 50 = -8
Detective damage Innocent > 50 = -3
Innocent damage Innocent > 50 = -2
Innocent damage Detective > 50 = -8

-Enhancements- (ex. innocent kill 2 traitors no innocents no detectives = 8 (1+1+6) )
Innocent kill 2 Traitors no Innocents or Detectives = 6
Detective kill 2 Traitors no Innocents or Detectives = 5
Traitor kill 3 Innocents no Traitors = 4
Traitor kill 2 Detectives no Traitors = 6

Item Store:
-Base Item Costs-
Hats = 30
Feet = 30
Shoulders = 50
Waist = 50
Chest = 80

These values will be added onto the prop you purchase ex:
Saw-blade is 5 points you buy it and you can put it on all slots, but to do that you have to buy the slots on the saw-blade so total cost examples would be: 35 for hat 35 for feet 55 shoulders 55 waist 85 chest.

I typed the item store values off top my head as well but sounds effective to me. The real question is, who will be coding this haha.

Why would you be deducted points for not playing well?... That just doesn't seem right to me...
You should only gain currency not lose it :l.


--- Quote from: Sabb on August 06, 2011, 12:50:06 PM ---Lolwat...
Why would you be deducted points for not playing well?... That just doesn't seem right to me...
You should only gain currency not lose it :l.

--- End quote ---

Then we can get rid of the detective kill innocent and innocent kill innocent. deductions are mostly just to discourage rdm fest to get points for a hat that would take too much time in their eyes to play. Course rdm isn't allowed but whatever. System would be fine without deductions, just have to make the item-shop cost a little more.


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