I also realized something surprizing about our generation.Society as a whole seems to encourage huge amounts of fluff in our writing. We take simple statements like "I agree that taxes can help or harm us" and turn them into "I wholeheartedly agree that taxation of the masses may or may not benefit or harm us in both the long and short run." Realize that both sentences mean roughly the same thing. However the second is two times longer, and four times as hard to read as the first.
An example of our society fluffing up our writing, presented to you. No offence is meant, this is just a scientific analysis of a sample of writing.
I guess I feel obligated to be serious when I am talked to in a serious way (for those who know me, yes this is possible). Deacon, you bring up some really interesting points. There is a definite psychological shift from the older generations to the younger that is brought on by the internet that not only directs our culture but negates it as well. I see your point where these memes we create are part of what our generation is about, but the truth is that we need more faster than older generations. So for anything that interests or entertains us, it is only a short amount of time before we feel the drive to move on to a different and newer thing. The internet community (the term used to describe people who populate forums and chat rooms, instead of the casual surfer) is even more deprived, dare I use the word. Its not necessarily a bad thing, its just that theres an empty hole that constant and unlimited information and, yes, even culture cannot fill. We create new directions for our culture and then move on before they can even fully develop. As a result memes don't ever really become a part of our (non-internet) society. I feel that the internet has become a testing grounds for our personalities and is a creative outlet, that we may utilize and either be heard or not.
Lets break this down for the people who cant follow.
Original:"I guess I feel obligated to be serious when I am talked to in a serious way (for those who know me, yes this is possible)."
Plain english:"I have to talk seriously when people talk to me seriously."
Original:"Deacon, you bring up some really interesting points."
This sentence is totally clear and free of fluff.Original:" There is a definite psychological shift from the older generations to the younger that is brought on by the internet that not only directs our culture but negates it as well."
Plain english:"The internet is guiding our generation's mentality."
Translators Note: direct and negate don't mesh together at all, so i just kind of guessed.
Original:" I see your point where these memes we create are part of what our generation is about, but the truth is that we need more faster than older generations."
Plain english:"I agree that memes are a part of our generation. Our generation also moves faster than older generations. "
Translators Note: Separated the sentences because they were two completely unrelated topics. Also cut the pork.
Original:"So for anything that interests or entertains us, it is only a short amount of time before we feel the drive to move on to a different and newer thing."
Plain english:"Our generation also has a short attention span."
Translators Note: This is a prime example of fluff. NO it does not enhance your statement, only blurs it.
Original:"The internet community (the term used to describe people who populate forums and chat rooms, instead of the casual surfer) is even more deprived, dare I use the word."
Plain english:"The internet community (the real dedicated users, not the casuals) is even worse in this respect."
Translators Note: I assume deprived is just used to refer to the short attention span referenced previously.
Original:"Its not necessarily a bad thing, its just that theres an empty hole that constant and unlimited information and, yes, even culture cannot fill."
Plain english:"Having such a short attention span might not be that bad, but the internet cannot satisfy modern attention spans."
Translators Note: This was tough. A lot of superfluous language, and "It" made it kind of hard to decipher.
Original:"We create new directions for our culture and then move on before they can even fully develop."
Plain english:"We often channel ourselves toward one idea, then move on without fully exploring it."
Translators Note: "Creating new directions for culture" hardly makes sense, so I replaced it with idea, in reference to meme in the next section.
Original:"As a result memes don't ever really become a part of our (non-internet) society."
Plain english:"As a result, these ideas never reach the masses."
Translators Note: I'm not quite sure where he was going, but i sort of guessed again.
Original:"I feel that the internet has become a testing grounds for our personalities and is a creative outlet, that we may utilize and either be heard or not."
Plain english:"The internet seems like a testing ground, where we can explore our creativity."
Translators Note: I cut out "either be heard or not" because it does nothing for his arguement.
So time to compile the translation.... I added some transitions in the sentences to try to string this together.
I have to talk seriously when people talk to me seriously. Deacon, you bring up some really interesting points. The internet is definitely guiding our generation's mentality. I also agree that memes are a part of our generation's culture. Our generation also moves faster than older generations. It also has a much shorter attention span than the previous ones. The internet community (the real dedicated users, not the casuals) is even worse in this respect. However, having such a short attention span might not be that bad, but the internet cannot satisfy modern attention spans. We often channel ourselves toward one idea, then move on without fully exploring it. As a result, these ideas never reach the masses. The internet seems like a testing ground, where we can explore our creativity.
It actually makes some sense now. I can see the arguement clearly, and it is half as long. Please please please Deacon, do not look up to this writing style. Also, take special note of how frequently commas had to be used to string together loosely related ideas.