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Deacon's simple rant thread.
I TL;DR'd from Arcoyle's post and down, but to OP, I agree 100%.
The reason I think people act the way they do on the internet, aside from because it's all anonymous and such, not face to face confrontation and stuff like that, but also because people, as you said, have been literally raised on technology and completely rely on it, and take it for advantage. Since we've been raised off of it, it becomes a norm just to act the way most do. You don't think the same way when you're younger, and since you're raised off of technology during those years before maturity and while you're developing as a person in some situations, you grow into habits and improper ways of behavior.
Mr. Franklin:
Hell man when the internet came out, people around me started to think differently, more suspicious of their surrounding kinda, and it was weird for a while, then years later and computer technology advanced farther than the internet. So after that, people started to use the internet in different ways, not just news and blogs. They used the internet for any source of communication and advertise, using there people of the knowledge of the internet to gain money. At first when the internet came out, people left and right ask'd if i wanted a job to make websites on the internet, i thought it was a joke. As the years past, i saw how the internet thrived from this one little hub station to globally communicating the world about news and about everything else.
Sorry Sanders, ill dumb it down in the future :(
--- Quote from: Sanders on April 24, 2011, 04:09:52 AM ---
I just hate convoluted writing. Once again, no offence is meant at all.
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--- Quote from: Deacon on April 24, 2011, 12:28:34 AM ---Something has always bothered me about the way you guys think, with regards to your regards to this wondrous of gifts: the Internet.
This tool, used to transmit information between people all over the world, in the blink of an eye (depending on your download speed), has changed the world, in no small way. It has completely revolutionized every way we live our lives, changed the rules of society, and the way we do things will never be the same.
Now, you may not think about this but you must remember; our generation (me speaking in my age group --to--> younger, and of course older, don't get me wrong here), the children born in the 1990's...Our generation was the first to grow up during this age of personal computers and internet access. I understand that of course others had it before but think; we grew up learning with them, adapting as young children (4-10) to use these machines.
The point I am here to make, however, is that none of you seem to realize what this means.
What we have made the internet into; what it has become, and even, to some extent, the very website you are on; We have created a new type of society.
These websites, which may now not seem like anything but a fad (read; myspace/facebook/twitter, etc) have had a major impact on the way we communicate. The email, once revolutionary, has now been cast aside for use as a sign up aide in getting onto websites which require an email address for membership.
My point being, and this is completely a personal opinion, I do not believe most people understand that these things are important. One day, you could create a picture for a few friends; A week later, you have created a meme. Only to have it be cast out a month later as
but I see it differently...I see it as part of the culture we have created. These things once valued, now being shunned in favor of the new, gave us this culture. It helped grow us into who we are today. What we are.
One day, sometime in the future, the history will be written down for our children, or possibly their children, who knows.
We will tell stories.
They will be different than our parents' stories, no doubt.
But they will be OURS.
The stories of our lives, in todays world, will never be told without reference to this "wondrousblahblahwhateverthingisaidbefore".
But I feel that no one either wants this, or acknowledges it.
I feel like it is all simply cast away in favor of the next new mildly mind-numbing thing.
TL;DR: We are writing the history of the internet, but no one seems to value it, nor do they seem to understand the importance of what we are doing right now.
This is in discussion for a reason: Please, discuss.
and another thing that pisses me off:
I know "This is the internet."
Please try to keep this civil serious.
You may be hidden anonymous and safe behind your keyboard,
There is no reason that means that you should also be a douche. or did, when your parents taught you how to behave, they said OH BUT ON THE INTERNET DO WHATEVER
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You did something I could never do.
You... you managed to convey the one spark of reasoning in my soul, something that I constantly tried to let out, this feeling, this... Statement.
By god you did it perfectly.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
--- Quote ---Now, you may not think about this but you must remember; our generation (me speaking in my age group --to--> younger, and of course older, don't get me wrong here), the children born in the 1990's...Our generation was the first to grow up during this age of personal computers and internet access. I understand that of course others had it before but think; we grew up learning with them, adapting as young children (4-10) to use these machines.
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I always used to ask my friends, even now... "Hey, do you even remember when..." or something along the lines of that, and they always shunned it... "Why do you listen to old music?" "Gosh *Unit* stop living in the past..." and they go about their life to mindlessly... like.. like fucking Consumer Whores. 1990 didn't exist and neither did 2000... "old people (noun)" they said... It's just always been '2011' with fucking Iphones and Xbox360 and fucking Ps3 and 'ooh pretty pretty shiny shiny what it do' No one appreciates what has been done for us, can you imagine how hard it must have been to engineer the ARPAnet, and then the Internet? Way back when we still used Dial-up? I certainly remember that. And Proud of it. Had to put up with it instead of Google Chrome. Still now putting up with it, but that's my Roots. That's where it started and dammit that's a part of me.
1990. Compact Disks; Fiber Optics and whatnot. Music Evolved, Games Evolved, Media Evolved and god dammit Technology did too. Rapidly, even.
Hey, know where the Ipod started? Hell, know where Apple started? Even way back before 1990.
--- Quote ---The point I am here to make, however, is that none of you seem to realize what this means.
What we have made the internet into; what it has become, and even, to some extent, the very website you are on; We have created a new type of society.
These websites, which may now not seem like anything but a fad (read; myspace/facebook/twitter, etc) have had a major impact on the way we communicate. The email, once revolutionary, has now been cast aside for use as a sign up aide in getting onto websites which require an email address for membership.
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Tools. I know the word now. I hate to say it like this but the basic truth is that almost every person I Know in person from my generation has DE-generated into mindless tools, unconcerned about what it is their doing, so much as their doing it. People I meet on the Internet is a different story. To be honest. I can actually have chats with people online better than I can offline. There's no sudden Chronic "I'm bored and I can't find any reason to care ADHD" symptom when I talk... well, almost.
God dammit, I always just wanted them to Notice this. Every. Time.
Loss of common sense. Loss of Free will, the ability to think for one's self. No one even says "I like this because I like this, not because everyone else does" anymore.
I feel like a Dinosaur. Extinct, and I'm not even 40 yet. Not even 30. I'm not old. But everyone says I am :\
It's like NO ONE AT ALL wants to remember the 90's. What the hell. So many great things and everyone just want to try to ignore it and turn their head like they always do when I mention it...what, are they ashamed of something? Well fuck it looks like it, what the hell to do you have to be ashamed of? Look at all the great things that sprouted from that era! Memories, even!
By god. I just can't even understand why....
I just hate it when I feel like the only one carrying on the lone title and legacy; at least now I know I'm not alone.
I'm a 90's kid and I'm fucking Proud of it. Deal with it :|
I was here when it started; not all the way, but a damned near fair amount of time I spent here before 2000. I know my Importance and my role.
We, as a whole, are far more privileged than any other Generation (excluding those after us greatly, but still) Because of the internet, Because of technology. It is ours essentially to hold... Our Grounds... Our Home Field Advantage.
Born into it. Thinking it. Breathing it. Essentially now Living it.
A gift from those before us, without them it wouldn't exist.
I just hate to see the way we now live in it. Where did this stuff go? Taken for granted. Pushed aside. Who cares about the guy that developed the Internet and so kindly sold it for FREE? Could you imagine having to pay for having ideas?
All the stuff I said now above is maybe even just stupid and inane, like raw emotion, but, Deacon, Your rant;
It makes sense.
--- Quote ---The stories of our lives, in todays world, will never be told without reference to this "wondrousblahblahwhateverthingisaidbefore".
But I feel that no one either wants this, or acknowledges it.
I feel like it is all simply cast away in favor of the next new mildly mind-numbing thing.
--- End quote ---
I stand by this.
" :thumbsup: "
well unit im glad you agree lol
I just worry sometimes about condemning oursleves into obscurity
Blaming ourselves for a lack of leadership and stuff
I do feel that it is the parents to blame but i can't say how they are to blame
i am also
really tired so this may not make sense right now
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