jD529's Regular Application!
Steam: jd529
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30962303
In-Game Name: ^1-AC- ^5jD529
Time online: I'm usually online on Steam when my computer is on, and my computer's usually on between 4-7 PM AEST Weekdays. (Night / Very Early Morning American time)
Servers: Mind Blast TTT / Random Fretta for the top 2 played.
If Mind Blast has a problem or my friends are on Random TTT im on Random TTT. I aslo play on my clan's (Alpha Cipher) servers.
Age: I would prefer not to say publicly at the risk of giving away personal info. Please ask me via Steam etc. if you wish to know.
Birthday: March 20 (20/3)
Games (on Steam): Here we go.
Crysis 2
Crysis 1
Crysis Warhead
Crysis Wars
Call of Duty: Mw2 Multiplayer
HL2: Ep 1
HL2: Ep 2
That is all I can remember for now, and they're not necessarily in order of how often I play them.
Location: QLD, Australia
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I often enjoy playing on Random's servers and there aren't usually admins / regs on during my gaming time. I would love to become a Reg so that I can help out Random and get myself more well-known among your community.
Contributions to RND: Currently I have no contributions to RND, except for playing on your servers. In the future, when I learn to script and map, I will be glad to help out and contribute.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:
XFire: jd529
E-Mail: nonexistantdude4321@gmail.com
Thank-you for taking the time to read this whole post!