Hey Random peoples! So I used to play on here, some of you may remember me as DJ Crypto. I used to be respected, then I left for a long time, got back on to check up on things and I was regular. Then I left for another little while and I was guest

My xbox recently broke so I have decided to start playing mainly zs again. And that is the main reason I am here, I am going to apply for regular and then maybe later, I will apply for VIP.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27428812
Profile Name: cryptokidfh
In Game Name: Cryptokid
When will I be on?Pretty much every day after 3:00 PM EST - 9:00 PM EST (obviously give or take some time depending on what I have going on)
Age: 15
What do you play besides gmod?Portal 2, YEEAAHHH!
Halo Reach
I live in Canada, Ontario.
Contact:MSN: nivlac90210@hotmail.com
Skype: Cryptokidfh
AIM: nivlac90210 (I don't use this much)
So that's my application. I hope you guys will consider it, and thanks.
If you aren't sure, perhaps this bunny will convince you otherwise
