1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234) # 300 "®Ðﻯ Piixels haz teh Polio:D" STEAM_0:1:18473934 10:12 97 0 active #
2. Players Nickname ®Ðﻯ Piixels haz teh Polio:D
3. Your in-game name HเTMคภ
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival) TTT
5. Description of the event(s) When I joined, he was the detective. He started shooting at this one guy for no reason, after he killed him he was innocent. Then he proceeded to shoot other people and 1 of them was traitor. The next round, he started shooting people randomly and the traitor killed him. After the round he left before I could call a VIP to TTT.
6. Reason for ban Mass RDM, Evasion
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Him RDMing people as detective:

Kill log showing mass RDM:

Him failing at RDMing in the next round:

Bunnykilla says he recorded a demo, he might have some better proof.