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Renaming VIP to Moderator?

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I'm just throwing this out there, but people tend to associate VIP with donors (like me :s ), and VIP's are essentially moderators, right?

What's the harm can it do, aside from making it clear from the get-go to guests who these people with pink tags are?

Just a light suggestion, if anyone has a valid reason why they shouldn't, feel free to post.

... No.


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on April 16, 2011, 12:27:33 PM ---... No.

--- End quote ---

Totally valid reason.

I still don't see why people would be opposed to it, aside from the fact it's change. VIP's ARE moderators, and to most people, VIP seems like they're a donor or sorts. (MOD) Would be much more clearer to people who are playing on the server for the first time.

But I appreciate your well thought out response.

I wouldn't mind this.
Doesn't really matter to me though.
You do mean just making the VIP tag to moderator right?

actaully VIPs are not moderators, MODERATORS are moderators

VIPS are a separate group that was created to uphold respected abilities

thats like saying with the previous system with respected... why not just rename them all to moderators.... cuz essentially thats what they are right?


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