Steam:Krazy Kranky
Steam Profile:
In-Game Name: Krazy Kranky
Time online: Mostly everyday sometimes mornings sometimes nights.
Servers:TTT, Zombie Survival
Birthday:Sept 12
Games (on Steam):Orange Box
Garry's Mod
Half Life anathology
Left4dead 2
Counterstrike Source
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:I've been playing on RND servers for a long time, for about 1-2 years atleast.
I'm not sure if most of the regulars remember me since its been a while but I would like to join the community finally!
Contributions to RND:I haven't contributed alot to the server but i've had a bunch of friends join the server on numerous occasions.
Games I Play:I play alot of Garrys mod and Team fortress 2 pretty much every steam game or any game with a gun where I can shoot stuff.