Nickname ingame: Error7
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26577194
Steam Login: valeriux_r
Time online: Every day for atleast an hour.
Age: 16. (September 6th, 1994)
Servers that I play: Wirebuild.
Games that I mostly play: GMOD and TF2.
Location: London, UK
Contribution to the community: I want to help out people with buiding stuff, especially with wire (if they are not douchebags that is

Hi thar. I am Error7 (aka eRRoR1TM, eRRoR[TM}) and I want to make an appilaction for a regular. I am currently living in London, going to school.
I was known on this server for a long time, since 1.5-2 years ago maybe. I have steadily improved over time, with wire, building skills etc. I want to return to building in your community, because I think this community is the best for that. I like the people here, always friendly. Sometimes there are a couple of minges maybe, but that is not the community's fault. I actually created an application ~2-3 months ago and it was accepted, but then I had a lot of schoolwork and I could even show the application to an admin. So I thought that I had to make a fresh one. I hope that you will accept this.