I have to do this app again cause when I went back to finish it, I messed up, so if I seem pissed, it's cause of that

Hi, I'm Spanish Anteater, and I approve tacos for the general public. Here is my app.
Steam: (M of F) Spanish Anteater
Steam ID: STEAM_0:)29371210
In-Game Name: (M of F) Spanish Anteater
Time on-line: Rarely Mon-Thurs, Friday 4-11 P.M, Saturday a LOT Sunday a little less
Servers: RND ZS and TTT
Age: 13
Birthday: May 7
Games (on Steam): Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike Source, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and America's Army 3
Location: LA, C.A, USA!
Why I want to be Regular: I play a lot on RND ZS and I am sick of the Guest Status. I don't troll, minge, and I don't have the voice of a nine year old.
Contributions: I vote and play fair, I help survivors, and I try not to kill too many innocents on ACCIDENT!
Friend me if you want.You guys are great, and "hi" to Prox, Carp, Doc Oc, and The Punisher.
I am Spanish Anteater, and I approve that fire
