.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Guides

ASDF's zs weapons and facts.

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Quick question:  When it comes to grenades, how many does one get over the course of an entire [10 wave] game, per map? 

1. OP is "away"
2. Nice bump
3. You start with 2 nades and can get more with ammo regen


--- Quote from: Ice Van Winkle on April 29, 2011, 03:45:25 PM ---1. OP is "away"
2. Nice bump
3. You start with 2 nades and can get more with ammo regen

--- End quote ---

Please remain calm sir, he was asking a simplistic question within a thread that was and still is open to all users opinions.

I'm just stating the facts, I didn't rage or get angry now did I?

keyboard damage 15-30????

keyboard is like an axe... but faster.


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