Pre-school: I took a dump in my pants because I was afraid to use the restroom myself (Don't worry I had diapers still

Kindergarden: Cried because I was beaten at running fast
1st-2nd: Pwned everybody in my class at math (I use to go to a Mexican majority school)...and got yelled out by the nurse for puking wtf...
3rd: Moved to an majority Asian school

...met the first girl I liked...failed almost every geography test because I didn't care about it >_<...a girl told on me because I ran to go get a kickball first I mean wtf?
4th or 5th: Got a classroom lunch detention because somebody in my class was fighting or got the teacher mad...
6th: Failed most tests and got framed and then almost everybody in my classes disliked me...first F on report card...from had to go to summerschool
7th: Started to get wayy skinnier + hair growth...My comeback at grades

! Improving like crazy...A's and B's became more common near the ending...idk if I had to go to summer school or not for math or maybe that was 6th grade...
8th: I have outstandings on my Reports, have lots of friends, became "popular" around funny people...the only thing I count as failing right now is history with a "C" or a "B to B-" D:<
Future 9th: Will take chem, geo (Wanted Geo Honors but couldn't because of my 6th grade year D:), some animation or movie editting class, gr something else I forgot X_X
Off-topic but related in some ways:
-I've trained myself how to ninja others and do some neat tricks (I did a 360 spin and threw a peice of stick into my friend's eye but luckily he was wearing glasses O_O)
-Known as the Waffle guy in class
-I have counter-reacted a bully and got him into trouble but then I was lured in -_-