Author Topic: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier  (Read 272 times)

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04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« on: April 06, 2011, 05:56:02 PM »
Hotgreen's VIP Application

Benjamin Armenta


Been playing RND Since
About 2 years, but scratch about 6-7 months off of that (explain later)

Time on RND
3-6 hours, switch between servers ALOT.

Servers I mostly play on
Trouble In Terrorist Town, Fretta, Zombie Survival  :zombie:, and sometimes build (ordered from greatest to least!)

Steam Name:

Why I should be VIP
1.I play this server very often and like helping people with problems on the server.
2.I never stay mad at someone for long periods of time (I.E. A guy calls me a faggot, I may not be good time charlie's with the person for about 30 minutes, but I usually forget about it and try to become their friend.)
3.To attempt to subdue glitching and other exploits.
4.I like to joke around and am really friendly to anyone who is friendly with me.

Why I want to be VIP
Sometimes trying to tell someone that is minging with words cannot get them to stop. So when situations like these happen being a VIP can help, no I'm not talking about kicking on the first offense or saying STOP FKING DOING THAT in full caps. I mean asking them nicely and saying please. At many times only about 1 or 2 VIP's are on, if at all. When people realize this they may start minging and breaking the rules. Most of the time when people use Global Chat the VIP's or admins are busy with other things, or are just not on. Having people who are on most often and do not like to break the rules at times would help subdue this problem and I would like to fill this position.

Killing fellow traitor buddies on TTT
Ask them why they did it.
---> If it was an accident tell them to be more careful next time.
---> If they keep doing it, or did it on purpose give them a warning.
---> Last chance at redemption, if they continue, start a votekick.
---> If they come back and do it again, start another votekick.
---> They come back and do it again, initiate a voteban.

Ask them nicely to stop and/or suicide.
---> If they ignore the request and keep doing it, ask them again straightforwardly.
---> If they reject that command too give them one more chance, if not start a votekick.
---> If they come back and do it again start another votekick.
---> They come back and try it again start a voteban.

Someone is using a Name changer
Attempt to ban them
---> If not successful get their steam ID and report to an admin.

Someone is using aimbot.
Get proof before doing anything, examine the player. If they are instantely turning a 360 and hedshotting three people then that will be sufficient.
---> If they are legit, just tell other players that they are not hacking.
---> If they ARE hacking get their steam ID and start a voteban, afterwards tell an admin.

Same as above.

Tell players how to mute another player, not a bannable offense.

Flaming/Disrespect of players and server.
Ask them nicely to stop.
---> If they continue to flame and/or disrespect others ask them again.
---> They do not listen and continue to do it, start a votekick for unethnical behavior.
---> If they come back and keep flaming, start another votekick.
---> They come back and continue, start a voteban for repeatedly flaming/disrespecting others.

Games I own.
Garrysmod (Derp)
Counter Strike: Source
Team Fortress 2
Half life 2 episode 2
Half life

Some active friends in RND
.:PASTE'=- Cable♥
.:RND`=- Tomcat
.:~RND`=-Schreii (Good friend :D)
Devie ♡♡
The punisher
.:PASTE'=- Morr (What is up with the paste things?)
Moo (Our favorite Moo :o)
.:PASTE'=- iDraíocht -=`rNd~:. (Ze Magic man  :magicpowder:)
(Few others but they are not what I would call "active" on RND, or I just missed you.)

I love RND and the friendly community it is, it helped me get back up after obtaining my computer got hacked and took about 6 or 7 months to get the extra money to fix it. But alas it appears my old favorite gaming server community shut down...This community greeted me back with smiles on their faces and very funny jokes  :)). I have noticed that some of my old friends (oldfags, NOT AN INSULT) have left RND or just aren't online anymore. When this came to mind I decided to make friends with new people and see  what they are like. Turns out most of them are actually pretty cool, but others...Are what you would call General Asshats  :trollface: . This server helped me get back my spirit of playing garrysmod and I will continue to play it and try my best to contribute in any way I can. Even if this VIP application is denied I will not judge RND. I am an understandable person and like to say this to myself when I think of becoming VIP. "A great man once said, with great power, comes great responsibility. I hope this gaming server doesn't shut down any time soon or my love of garrysmod would probably cease to exist. Thank you RND and the members of it.

P.S. this forum glitched at the end so there might be some mispelling and technicalities  :(.
And Thx Don for the layout

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 06:18:28 PM »
Hotgreen has been around for a while and pretty active.
I myself have never had any problems with him.
1) He follows the rules. *from what i saw
2) Nice to others
3) Respectable person.

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 06:35:18 PM »

He is a respectful player, and he has been here for some time. He knows the rules of the servers he plays on very well, and can outwit someone in TTT.
Quotes from friends:
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: mah mouse is sqeakeh
.:~RND`=- Mr.Franklin -=: tweeeeek it

Prox: Thread status: memed.

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 06:53:12 PM »
Haven't played with him much but the times i do see him i never have a problem so


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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 07:05:46 PM »
once again, i dont typically +1 applications...

but every time ive played with him, hes been perfectly fine and upholds the rules

doesnt cause problems and generally just likes to play

so  :thumbsup:

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 07:32:10 PM »
Great player, great candidate.

Always follows the server rules and would enforce them just fine.

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2011, 08:38:18 PM »
I'd like to start off by saying I have nothing against Hotgreen personally, but I am going to have to  :thumbsdown:.

I don't know about what everyone who +1'd has seen, but I've seen some things that are quite deeming in my opinion of a -1.

Here's a specific situation: In TTT the other day, Minic and I were playing when Hotgreen joined and noticed Minic was SAdmin. Hotgreen started sucking up to quite pitiful extents to him and I alike. Now, while sucking up isn't a reason to be denied VIP, however annoying and childish it is, my point is what happened after Minic left.

The map was ttt_krustykrab and hotgreen was getting tired of some little kids mic spamming, as everyone was as well. I, and mostly everyone else, muted these mic spamming children, while HotGreen chose the more immature, mingey approach. He decided to pick up a bunch of the hamburgers that are laying on the ground throughout the map and started smashing the people mic-spamming people/others who didn't do anything with it.

Though he didn't kill enough people for it to be considered mass rdm/prop kill, which meant I couldn't kick him, I'm basing this on the wise saying of "Two wrongs don't make a right."

When you're being minged, Guest/Reg/VIP/Admin or whatever you are, especially VIP+, you have to show the ability to take actions based on the rules and not take the law into your own hands and make your own rules. It's commonly known that mic spamming isn't kickable, so when he raged and started prop killing instead of muting like everyone else did, I was quickly dissapointed. On top of this, I've seen him lose his cool and flip out plenty of times in the past as well.

Now to point out a few things in his app:

Why I should be VIP
1.I play this server very often and like helping people with problems on the server.
2.I never stay mad at someone for long periods of time (I.E. A guy calls me a faggot, I may not be good time charlie's with the person for about 30 minutes, but I usually forget about it and try to become their friend.)
3.To attempt to subdue glitching and other exploits.
4.I like to joke around and am really friendly to anyone who is friendly with me.
The only thing that would even remotely have to do with VIP, is #3, while you don't need to be VIP to joke around, be friendly, or help people with problems. What I see this as is a kind of respect-seeking attempt. You think that if you're VIP people will love you, come to you for help, be nicer to you, etc. While this may be true, it is absolutely not a reason you should be a VIP in the least bit. Basically, this supports the fact I've been presented with no real evidence you could be trusted with VIP or deserve it.

Why I want to be VIP
Sometimes trying to tell someone that is minging with words cannot get them to stop. So when situations like these happen being a VIP can help, no I'm not talking about kicking on the first offense or saying STOP FKING DOING THAT in full caps. I mean asking them nicely and saying please. At many times only about 1 or 2 VIP's are on, if at all. When people realize this they may start minging and breaking the rules. Most of the time when people use Global Chat the VIP's or admins are busy with other things, or are just not on. Having people who are on most often and do not like to break the rules at times would help subdue this problem and I would like to fill this position.
To begin, I cannot tell if you're accusing the current VIPs of being inactive/not doing our job. Whether you are or you aren't, there's no reason you would have to be VIP to do this, yet again. If you see someone breaking rules and minging, get their steam id and report them.

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2011, 06:32:43 AM »
I have to agree with jman on this one ...
While I haven't had any majorly bad and horrible experiences with Hotgreen, I haven't had any positive ones either - from my experience, he does get pissed off too easily with people, which could lead to him just kicking as soon as he disagrees with someone.

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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2011, 11:20:20 AM »
Okay, I'm not gonna lie when I saw the amount of  :thumbsup:'s that preceeded this I was kind of turned off to enter my honest opinion. But I will have to :thumbsdown: this. I agree with everything that Jman has said. I really don't think he is ready for VIP. I don't dislike him or anything. And don't take it personally HotGreen. I really just do not think you are ready.
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Re: 04/06/11 Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2011, 08:30:11 PM »