Hello people of the community RND i made this topic for ask to my regular Down you can see the requirements
Steam: [TS]Silent-Assasin[TS]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29870122
Time On-Line: Everyday In the Night
Severs: 50% Build 46% TTT 5% Zs

Birthday: 25/03
Steam games:

CSS, HL2, HL2 DM, Garry's Mod, CS 1.6
Location: Aragua, Venezuela
WHY I WANT AND SHOULD BE A REGULAR: Well I do not want to start giving a speech but I would like to be regulated to build things so I enjoy myself and other users of the Server also to play with my friends and recomendate this servers And for more respect...!
RND Contribution: For now recommend the RND servers my friends, but when regulator can impose order on those pesky users and Respond to those people asking for help to solve them something they can not