[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: i love Journey"
(Guest) Sureshot: amo count?
(Reg) Photosynthesis: im a gay furfag
(Guest) Dk: Iseewutyoudidthere trollface
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) Photocarp: a wild photocarp appeared"
(Reg) Carp: stfu
(Guest) Dk: nou
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: I love Journey"
(VIP) Arcoyle: new forum names ya?
(Guest) The punisher: arcoyle, do you love me?
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: It does
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: guess what everyone photo doesnt know whats Journey"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: guys its hard to admit... But I love beiber and his music, hes a genius. I am also a gay furry. AND IM PROUD OF IT"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: Arcoyle stfu "
(VIP) Arcoyle: gtfo franklin
(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: why
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) Photocarp: i love journey almost as much as i love you"
(Guest) Dk: lol if that happend that would be the biggest mindfuck yet
(Reg) Photosynthesis: franklin go fk youself
(VIP) Arcoyle: nigger
(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: why you kill me
(Reg) Photosynthesis: fuckhole
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: Hey everyone i fucken love Taylor Swift and i hate all gay ass rock music and im friends with kids"
(Guest) Dk: Bitchass
(Guest) pizzaguy!: its regerrated
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: Wat.
(Guest) Sureshot: itll regen soon
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: i dont know whats Journey"
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: ganon
(Guest) Dk: Massive trollface
(Reg) Photosynthesis: franklin suck my asian cock
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: im arcoyle and i hate rock music"
(VIP) Arcoyle: lol
(Reg) Photosynthesis: if you can even fit all of its 1/2 inch into your mouth
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): lol STUPED ASIAN
(VIP) Arcoyle: stuped?
(VIP) Arcoyle: ur smat
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): STUPED *
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: im a christan and a furry :O"
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: I MUST LIVE
(Reg) Photosynthesis: stupid
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) Photoarcoyle: i am carp and i love death metal"
(Guest) Dk: Quit trolling arcoy-i mean photo
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): its meh bad
(Reg) Photosynthesis: at least im a smart asian
(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: YOU MUST DIE
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol
(Reg) Carp's asian penis: hi i'm photosynthe- oh wait
(Guest) 010Tim: Weegee?
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): lol
(Reg) Carp: xD
(Reg) Deacon: why are my models messed up
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol carps penis
(VIP) Arcoyle: hey carps dont have asian penis's
(VIP) Arcoyle: :C
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp's asian penis: i'm a tiny asian penis"
(Reg) Photosynthesis: arcoyle join steam chat room
(Guest) Mindfuckery: So much mindfuck today
(Reg) Photosynthesis: so franklin how do you like your fellatio?
(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: pretty good
(Reg) Findmuckery: hi i like to mindfuck- i mean findmuck
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol mindfuckery
(Guest) Bubbleblimp: do u need a texture thing for this server?
(Guest) The punisher: i like titties
(Reg) Photosynthesis: i like titties but only on fat men
(VIP) Arcoyle: tig ol bitties
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: LOL
(Reg) Photosynthesis: women tits gross me out
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: fucken shut up bish"
(VIP) Arcoyle: women dicks make me horny
(Reg) The punisher's favorite tits: i'm a pair of tits O.O
(Reg) Carp: fucken bish stfu
(Guest) The punisher: everyone knows my skills are really tight, like an extra large condom on my penis thats right
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: i like grandpa old man fat titties"
(Guest) Mindfuckery: Another average day on ZS where we just mindfuck everyone
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: I HATE NIGGERS"
(Reg) Arcoyle's woman dick: now i'm a woman dick
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol
(Guest) The punisher: april fools day
(Reg) Deacon: wow guys
(Reg) Photosynthesis: xD
(Reg) Photosynthesis: hey deacon
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: sounds like a pretty good day mindfuck
(Reg) Carp's favorite asian: hi carp i'm an asian
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol
(Guest) The punisher: yeah, most asians i dont prefere
(Guest) Jazin Kay: Carp, ever met an Asian driver?
[Zombie Survival : Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: fuck U CARP"
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: asian drivers sux
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: I HATE ASIANS AND I FUCKEN HATE YOU PHOTOOOO FUCK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!"
(Guest) Mindfuckery: Funny how arcoyle started all this mindfuckery
(VIP) Arcoyle: hey jazin you like penis?
(Guest) Jazin Kay: no
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: ikr
(Reg) Photosynthesis: cause your gonna love mine
(Reg) Hey Carp I drive like an asian: hi
(Guest) Jazin Kay: y
(Reg) Carp: Fuck your couch!
(Reg) Carp: i love rock music
(Reg) Photosynthesis: its asian any tiny
(Guest) Jazin Kay: is it chocolate?
(VIP) Arcoyle: ever thought about sucking a dick? THOUGHT
(Guest) Mindfuckery: STUFFIT
(Reg) Photosynthesis: ive thought about it
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: ha
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: im bored...mic spam time
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: oh fuck
(Reg) Photosynthesis: done it a couple times
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Reg) Carp: I love Devie <3"
(Reg) Carp: LOL
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(VIP) Arcoyle: LOL"
(Reg) Dumb Slut Millionare: yo dawg
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Reg) Photosynthesis: XD"
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: YOU MUST DIE"
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Reg) Carp: XD"
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Reg) Photosynthesis: well played, carp"
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: They played this on the theater some time ago.
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Reg) Carp: I love you Devie <3"
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: all yall must die"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: Your the only lighting sunshine in my world Devie <3"
(Reg) Carp: xD
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): yea"
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: where is devie"
(Reg) Dodotelekinesis: hi photo
(Reg) Photosynthesis: shes online but shes not in gmod
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(VIP) Arcoyle: moo is a fgt"
[Zombie Survival :Console]"(Reg) Deacon: i hate this"
(Reg) Photosynthesis: i think
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lol"
(Reg) Carp: shut up
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: lol arcoyle you would"
(Reg) Carp: lol
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: moo is kewl....."
(Guest) The punisher: LOL
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: What did Arcoyle say?"
(Guest) 010Tim: i need to rege my ammo
(Guest) The punisher: lag ftw
(Guest) Mindfuckery: GOODAMN LAG
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: i think stalker is somewhat good
(Reg) Karp: carp fish
(Reg) Photosynthesis: lol way to play to the truth, arcoyle
(Guest) Jazin Kay: how did you get demoted to a reg, carp? why?
(Reg) Carp: dillpill shut up
(Reg) Carp: pl0x
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: he is 'YOU MUST DIE'"
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: hi jazon
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: jazin
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: nuu
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(VIP) Arcoyle: just expressing my true feelings towards moo"
(Guest) Jazin Kay: herro <3
(Reg) Carp: Jazin i said bitch to teeny
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(VIP) Arcoyle: and how much of a fgt he is

[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: ALL YOUR PENIS IS BELONG TO US"
(Guest) arcarpsynthesis: lo
(Reg) Kazin Jay: hi jazin
(Reg) Carp: I said it for Devie <3
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Deacon: i hate this"
(Guest) Jazin Kay: herro
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: lol
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: o rly
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: Meling.
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): i was flying as a headcrab
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: what
(Reg) rot (<#): hi rot
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: Your doin it wrong
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: your on your way to std"
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): i was flying
(Guest) Dylan Kay: hai jazin
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: lol
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): i was funney
(Guest) The punisher: rot has his tag at the back... dumbass
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Deacon: anyone want to make my night interesting? "
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: guys is it normal to have sexual fantasies about your own mother? cause i do regularly..."
(Reg) Photosynthesis: i win
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Guest) Dylan Kay: yes photo "
(Guest) Kd: Yes instead of coyping names foward lets do it backward
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: os rot outside
(Reg) Carp: fuck you
(Guest) Dylan Kay: lol]
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: oh thank god"
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: is rot out side
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: MY ASS HAS
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: FINALY DECIDED
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: Danmaku.
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: TO EAT MY HAND
(Guest) Dylan Kay: lol
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: bullet
(Guest) You lost old grandpa: Spam poisen zombies?
(Guest) The punisher: NOY
(Guest) The punisher: NOU
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: Photo your a huge faggot go back to china and never cross the border"
(Guest) You lost old grandpa: Just wait then spam
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): that was fun flying as a fastheadcrab
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: im japanese, bitch"
(Reg) sis???u?so?o?d: how about upside down?
(Reg) sis???u?so?o?d: hi i'm photosynthesis
(Reg) Photosynthesis: fuck you
(Reg) Photosynthesis: im photosynthesis
(Guest) The punisher: thats not really photo
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: sorry yout jap"
(Guest) You lost old grandpa: It appears you are hacking meiling XD
(Guest) You lost old grandpa: Jks
(Guest) The punisher: thats arcoyle
(Guest) Sureshot: cheers
(Reg) Photosynthesis: hey franklin will you make a porno wit me?
(Guest) Sisehtnysotohp: Im photo
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): no i dye then respawn the jump over and over
(Guest) Sisehtnysotohp: Backward
(Reg) ???o???: hi i'm arcoyle upside down
(VIP) Arcoyle: >dye
(Reg) Photosynthesis: but i want you
(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: not worthy
(Guest) PraC: hai
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): then i fly
(Reg) Photosynthesis: so bad
(Reg) Photosynthesis: and on video
(Reg) ???o???: yo arcoyle
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: die die guys
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: lol
(Guest) The punisher: you aren't photo, photo is upside down arcoyle...
(Guest) PraC: this was all recorded?>
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): xD
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: You aren't
(Reg) Photosynthesis: it is i think
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: vagineer"
(Guest) Nitori Kawashiro: You run out of air and die
(Reg) Photosynthesis: im keeping the transcripts
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): ITS A GLICH
(Reg) Photosynthesis: ill clean it up tomoroow
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: HURR"
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): WITH A GERN
(Guest) PraC: lol
(Guest) Sureshot: nice
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: win
(Reg) Carp: pengas im arcoyle
(Guest) PraC: kewl
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: im outside guys
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: chase me
(Reg) ???o???: smilies with noses suck
[Fretta :Console] "(Guest) Mr. Faggot Guy: when u hurp u durp"
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: AHAHAHA
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: BLAZERRRRR
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: LMAO
(Guest) Sisehtnysotohp: lol
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: SO CLOSE
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: BUT SO FAR
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: win
(Reg) Carp: pengas im arcoyle
(Guest) PraC: kewl
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: im outside guys
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: chase me
(Reg) ???o???: smilies with noses suck
[Fretta :Console] "(Guest) Mr. Faggot Guy: when u hurp u durp"
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: AHAHAHA
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: BLAZERRRRR
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: LMAO
(Guest) Sisehtnysotohp: lol
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: SO CLOSE
(Guest) Slum Duck Millionaire: BUT SO FAR
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: win
(Guest) You lost old grandpa: Bulldog is a poisen zombie and he is invisible?
(Guest) PraC: fuck
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: k bye guys
(Guest) .:RND`=-KABommertime(rnd): HE KILLED me with a gern while in water and respawn fast then jump over and over
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling: gg
(Reg) hypextreme: crap yard
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: Hello! My name is Penguin, and I'm a furry!"
(Reg) ???o???: vote crapyard
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: xD"
(Guest) PraC: lol
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: dont forget that im arcoyle im just messing with carps name"
(Guest) Jazin Kay: zoap plz
[Fretta :Console] "(Guest) Sausagetalk: Hey, could we get a restart in fretta? The physics are totally broken."
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: Photo you god damn asian why do you have to be so fucken asian!?"
(Guest) my name is Hong Meiling:


[Zombie Survival :Console] "(VIP) Arcoyle: no im arcoyle"
(Guest) Commander Toast: COMMANDER OF TOAST
(Reg) Carp: this map is damn laggy
(Reg) hypextreme: ya
[Zombie Survival:Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: i went to a fetish club once, for people with a leathery skin due to overtanning fetish?"
[Zombie Survival:Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: was so hot...."
[Zombie Survival:Console] "(Guest) PraC: LOL"
(Reg) hypextreme: haha
(Reg) Deacon: loooool
(Guest) Commander Toast: :

(Guest) Commander Toast: ragequit
(Guest) Pyrophilia: not much
(Guest) Jubby: SO MUCH ALG
(Guest) Pyrophilia: nop
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: whoever guesses which one of us is which, and they cant have any of us on their flist, wins something"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: I would've missed you"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: no such luck you hateful little fuck"
(Guest) Jubby: this map = lag >.<
(Reg) s???u?so?o??: guys i'm photo but i'm upside-down help!!"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: was that a haiku?"
(Guest) Jazin Kay: is my name upside down too?
[Zombie Survival:Console] "(Reg) Deacon: could we maybe stop spamming global chat"
(Reg) Photosynthesis: aww
(Reg) hypextreme: laggy :|
(Guest) The punisher: carp is a faggot
(Reg) s???u?so?o?d: help!!!"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(VIP) nilknarƒ .rM: hax"
(Guest) The punisher: because he thinks i'm a faggot
(Reg) Carp: franklin
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: sapnip"
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: you love devie? :3"
(Reg) AssDuff: hai guys
(Reg) Carp: franklin you love devie? :3
(Reg) Carp: lul im carp
(Reg) Carp: yeah
(Reg) d???: carp help flip me right-side-up!!!! help
(Reg) Carp: I'm Photo
(Reg) AssDuff: which photo is photo or which carp is carp or which arcoyle is arcoyle
(Reg) d???: i'm devie
(Guest) Bull_dog: me
(Guest) =DiGr= Meowler: I do
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: btw I'm photo and arcoyle is photo and carp is Arcoyle"
(Guest) The punisher: devie has a different title
(Reg) Dull_bog: help
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Carp: we did a good skit and the stuff we three said isnt true"
[Wire Build :Console]"(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: The chinese have officially fucked up the world."
(Guest) The punisher: shes the bossman's lady
(Guest) [zP]Jeebs the Tea Pot Sales Man: i cant close the f3 menu!
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) AssDuff: penguin,so do u"
(Reg) Pe Thunisher: muahahahahaha
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: not really"
(Reg) Deacon: fuck this
(Reg) Carp: i told you
(Reg) Carp: i didnt pay for fraps
[Zombie Survival :Console] "(Reg) Photosynthesis: some of it at least...."
(Reg) No Body: what did I miss?
(Guest) The punisher: can you guys change your names back?
(Reg) AssDuff: no u
(Reg) No Body: nope
(Reg) No Body: guess who i am
[Wire Build :Console] "(Reg) {SA}(FSX)Penguin: i only blew up the ocean which made those plates collide and make a earthquake so then following an tsunami"
(Reg) No Body: first person to get it right gets all my weapons